12 Examples of Bad Parenting That People Swear Not To Repeat With Their Kids

Parents do their best to bring their kids into a competent society. But not all parents can do this. Some parents don’t know what to do, and some consider them perfect. On an online platform, people shared things that parents have done, but their kids swore not to repeat.

1. Making Fun of Hobbies

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Making fun of the interests and hobbies of kids was common among last-generation parents. Admitted by one mother, she always forced her four children to focus on their studies only. Her one son wanted to work as a bicycle modifier. Her other son wanted to do singing as a hobby. But she always refuses to accept these hobbies and professions. But now she regrets doing such stuff.

2. Revealing Secrets

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One mother shared that whenever her daughter shares anything with her. She discusses these things with her friend to get her opinions on her daughter. When her daughter came to know this, she started hating her mother. She added that she would be a great secret-keeper mother in the future.

3. Being Unapproachable

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Parents should provide a friendly home environment so they can be approachable when needed. One father admits that he managed a strict environment in his home. And his children faced a lot of things alone. He also realizes that a good father should be a friend to his kids. His sons will be a good father enough.

4. Refuse To Admit To Being Wrong

Angry mother threatening her daughter at home
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Parents consider that they are always right. They can not make mistakes. A mother on an online platform stated that she considers herself a perfect mother. But she was wrong at many points. When she observed her daughter as a mother, she realized how perfect a mother should be.

5. Comparison With Other Kids

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Parents always compare their children with other kids. And this is mainly to humiliate own kids by giving examples of perfect kids. This can create revolt among kids, who refuse to develop themselves. One mother confesses that her son will choose another good way to bring up his kids.

6. Long-Hour Lectures

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Long hours of lectures are the most irritating thing. Parents have a hobby of delivering long lectures on minor mischief. There may be other ways to tell the kids about wrong and right. But parents choose the worst. Kids who have attended these lectures will indeed not prepare these lectures for their upcoming generation.

7. Broken Family

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Broken families are the most traumatic thing ever. Parents who argue in front of their kids offer a lifetime of depression to their kids. Such kids are not healthy and confident in society. Some leave hopes of good life. And some swore not to do the same in front of their kids in the future.

8. Imposing a Degree

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Imposing a degree is the worst thing to do with children. Parents think that they know very well about the value of a degree. In this, they forget to consider the choice of their kid. And in a result, the student can not perform his best. As his father does, one man admits he will never impose a degree on his kids.

9. Physical Punishment

Angry mother beat up sad daughter on white background. Mom hit her kid. Young mother scolds her child girl
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One boy stated that his father always punished him for little wrongdoings. Even he split the juice glass in front of the guests. He gives him physical punishment. Sometimes keeping him stand for 15 minutes, sometimes washing the garage, and occasionally beating him. He added that he would never ever beat his kids, no matter what they do.

10. Video Games

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Every kid is fond of video games. Playing video games for a limited time is a good thing. But parents oppose this for no reason. Opposing is okay, but breaking and selling the video game is illogical. One girl shares that she will buy video games for her kids and manage their playtime.

11. Making Fun of Physique

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Parents make fun of the physique of their kids. Even some parents do not hesitate to do this in front of guests. This will lead the kid to lose self-confidence. Kids who have faced this situation will surely eliminate this negative point from the process of upbringing the next generation.

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12. Having No Trust

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Some parent do not trust their own child. But they do trust other people in front of their kids. One boy stated that his neighbor complained about him just to have fun. He complained that he had stolen a cricket bat from his yard. And he swore that he had not seen any bat even. But his father beat him in front of them. He added that if he has kids in the future, he will trust them.

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