There are many things in this world, which believed universal. Everyone is aware of these universal things and believes that they are real. Along with it, a few things sound fake, but people are astonished to know these things are genuinely authentic. Here are several things that are perceived as fake by many people.
1. Cheetahs Can Only Meow
Instead of According to BBC Wildlife Magazine, species belonging to the Panthera genus have stretchable ligaments in their voice box. This ligament enables them to roar. But, in cats and cheetahs, this ligament is absent. Their voice box has fix structure that limits the range of sound. So, they can roar; instead, they meow like a domestic cat.
2. Jack and Jill; Units of Measurements
In Great Britain, before the Metric System. There were two units for measurement, one named Jack and another Jill. Half of Jill was considered Jack. It wasn't very clear, so the 1965 metric system was introduced.
3. Adding Salt to Pineapple Make It Sweet
It's a genuine fact that adding salt to pineapple makes it taste sweet. This happens due to sodium chloride in salt, the bitterness inhibitor. When it dissolves in pineapple, the sodium chloride reacts with malic and citric acid, making neutral sodium salts. So, in this way, pineapple loses its sourness.
4. Osteophagia in Giraffes
Osteophagia means feeding of bones. Being a herbivore, the giraffe uses to chew bones during phase nutritional stress. Bones are not swallowed. They drop once nutrition has been extracted. They used to chew the bones of dead animals to fulfill the need for calcium and phosphorous.
5. Aztec Empire Was Founded After Oxford University
Strangely, Oxford University is one of the oldest universities. It was founded earlier in 1069 than Aztec Empire in 1428. But it is not considered the oldest as the Nalanda University of India, which invaders burned down.
6. Eiffel Tower's Height in Summer
It has been noticed that in summer, the Eiffel towers seem taller. This is due to the thermal expansion of iron. When temperature increases, the tower's iron expands that increasing length. It can gain height up to 6 inches.
7. Humans Are Bioluminescent
According to research, human beings are bioluminescent. They can emit light, but this light is 1,000 times less intense than the level to which our naked eyes are sensitive.
8. Chicken Can Live Without Head for a While
In chickens, nerve cells are concentrated at the back of the skull. That is why chickens can stay alive for a while without a head. Mike, the Headless Chicken, is verifying an example who lived 18 months without a head.
9. Aphids Can Be Born Pregnant
These are common grass insects. Aphids can be born pregnant without a male. According to the US National Library of Medicine, the reason behind that is embryos complete their development in the ovary one after another, which leads to the development of third-generation in second-generation embryos.
10. Bangladesh Is More Populous Than India
Russia is one of the most prominent countries in the world. It covers more surface area than Pluto. Compared to Russia, Bangladesh is a small country. Russia is 17.1 million square kilometers, whereas the size of Bangladesh is 148,460 square kilometers. But surprisingly, Bangladesh hosts 169.4 million populations compared to Russia, which has 143.4 million folks.
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