15 American Foods That Other Countries Don’t Allow

America is also known for its high consumption of processed foods. Hundreds of edibles are banned in other countries but readily available in America. The reason behind this is the US's unregulated policies on the ingredients used in processing food. Let's find out which American foods are not allowed in other countries.

1. Gatorade 

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Gatorade is a popular sports drink in the US but banned in other countries. Its chemical analysis has declared that it contains certain harmful ingredients, namely Yellow 5 and 6. These ingredients are artificial coloring agents that are banned in certain European countries. Further, this drink also contains harmful sweeteners, but America has not banned its sale.

2. Little Debbie Swiss Rolls

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Countries like Norway and Austria have banned the Little Debbie Swiss rolls, but Americans still enjoy it. The presence of prohibited dyes or coloring agents, mainly yellow 5 and red 40 dyes, has raised certain health concerns about its consumption. To ensure the public quality of life, many countries except America have implemented strict rules on Little Debbie products.

3. Wheat Thins 

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It is a baked whole-grain snack used widely in the United States. You will be surprised to know that it contains certain carcinogenic agents. The identification of this carcinogen, butylated hydroxytoluene, has forced certain regions, mainly European countries, to ban wheat-thin sales.

4. Ritz Cracker

Ritz Crackers
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We are all well aware of the adverse health effects of trans fat consumption. Trans fats are the leading cause of cardiovascular disorders and, thus, death among people. Ritz crackers contain a high amount of trans fats. Their composition led to their banned identity in Europe, but unfortunately, America still offers such products to the public.

5. Farm-Raised Salmon

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Many risk factors are associated with consuming farm-raised salmon, but surprisingly, America has permitted the public to consume it. Studies have revealed the presence of highly toxic substances in farm-raised salmon, which has forced other countries, mainly Australia, to ban it. Besides its toxic composition, raising salmon on farms has seriously threatened the environment.

6. Mountain Dew

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Despite their efforts, Mountain Dew manufacturers have been unsuccessful in preventing its sale and manufacturing from being banned. The use of brominated vegetable oil in manufacturing has made this drink full of toxins. Some major side effects of Mountain Dew intake are memory loss and skin allergies. Due to potent health risks, Japan, the Netherlands, and Europe have banned its sale.

7. Coffee Mate

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Unlike America, certain European regions have relatively strict rules and regulations for public food consumption. Coffee Mate creamer has gained popularity because it has eased the making of delicious coffee at home. Americans seem unaware of the harmful health effects of Coffee-Mate creamer. The extremely high concentration of trans fats has made it an inviting source of cardiovascular risks.

8. US Packaged Chicken

miling senior woman farmer crouching down to feed her group of free range chickens, on a sunny morning in her backyard.
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The primary reason the countries have banned the import of American packaged chicken is its chlorinated nature. Manufacturers use chlorine while packing the chicken to prevent food-borne diseases. Unfortunately, the use of this chlorine has raised other chronic health consequences. Chlorine masks the identification of infectious bacteria present in chicken in bacteria which is another horrifying side effect.

9. Frosted Flakes

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These flakes are illegal in Europe and Japan but not in America. The same carcinogen present in wheat thin is present in frosted flakes. BHT, or butylated hydroxytoluene, is the preservative used in frosted flakes, and it has been identified as cancer-stimulating among humans. Considering these considerations, frosted flakes should be banned everywhere, but unfortunately, Americans are not concerned about their health.

10. Packaged Ground Beef

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Pre-packaged ground beef is used widely in America. However, countries like Canada and Europe have banned the import of American-packaged ground beef. The manufacturing and packaging of this ground beef result in the production of highly toxic substances. The substances put people at life-threatening disorders risks.

11. US Milk

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You will be surprised to know that countries including New Zealand, Japan, Australia, and certain European regions have banned the consumption of US milk. It is because of the use of rBGH among cows to increase milk production. This hormone imposes severe and chronic health risks to the human that has restricted its consumption.

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12. Skittles

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Many countries have restricted the sale of Skittles because of the presence of titanium dioxide. Titanium dioxide is used as a coloring agent, and it is one of the most toxic food additives. This additive has carcinogenic properties, which have forced countries to be conscious of skittle sales among the public.

13. Fruit Loops

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American fruit loops are found to be full of harmful additives. The most prominent additives include Red 40, Yellow 5, and BHT. BHT is carcinogenic. You can estimate how harmful these fruit loops are for the children. Still, America does not bother to make restrictive rules and regulations regarding its sales.

14. Pillsbury Biscuits

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Bakery lovers excitedly enjoy Pillsbury biscuits in America. People love the quick and delicious products offered by Pillsbury. However, they are unaware of the severe health risks associated with their consumption. Pillsbury biscuits contain a significant amount of soybean oil, a rich source of trans fats. Due to the increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, many countries have banned their sale.

15. Maraschino Cherries

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You may have tasted the Maraschino cherries while enjoying banana splits. These cherries contain a coloring agent known as Red 40, which is banned in certain countries, including America. Red 40 has been found to be associated with mental illness among consumers, which has prohibited its consumption in regions like Switzerland.

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