15 Things Southerners Do That May Surprise Northerners

It's common to see differences in culture, beliefs, and perspectives among people from the same country but in different regions. The difference in poles brings changes that come as a cultural shock for people traveling from North to South or vice versa.  Here are some things considered normal in the South that are a reason to shock the Northerners.

1. Sarcasm Is Seen as Rudeness

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Southerners are famous for their polite and friendly behavior. They are of such a good nature that they can strike up conversations with anyone in public, and their insults are even sugar-coated. Sarcasm, an everyday thing among friends, is considered a rude and offensive gesture by Southern.

2. There Are Phrases and Words

Woman looking confused when Man speaks to her at restaurant.
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It's often said that having a translator with you is good if you are visiting south from the North. The reason for such a need is that phrases and words used in daily life confuse most about what they are trying to communicate. Phrases like yonder, fixin' to get indeed northern confused.

3. Three-Seasons Room

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Southern have unique things associated as a part of their homes, which Northerners don't get, one of which is three seasoned rooms where you could enjoy three out of four seasons. It's a room not with a room feel but closer to a closed porch with no or significantly less furniture. 

4. Joggling Board

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If you have ever visited South, you may find some benches that look different from the regular benches. They are joggling boards with a soft, bouncy wood panel supported on two stands. You can rock back and forth and from side to side. The purpose of these boards is to be a source of light exercise.

5. Drinking Sweet Tea

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One reason that might account for all the sweetness of polar opposite neighbors is their sweet tea. People in the South love to have their tea sweet, and there is no option for sugar-free tea unless asked. On the other hand, northern are okay with or without sugar. 

6. College Football

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Many survive hectic college because of the sports, and college football is a good experience for everyone, but in the South, things are a bit extreme when it comes to college football. They are obsessed with it so much that they follow it religiously. It doesn't matter if you study or not. 

7. Varieties of BBQ

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For some, BBQs are a part of togetherness and some grilling, but when it comes to the South, these people know their stuff and will make you experience a variety of BBQs that will remain your favorite your whole life. Each region has its unique recipe to enjoy.  

8. Manners

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Good manners should be customary in every region, but as time passes, people are becoming more about themselves than valuing others. Southerners still have their roots deep in the garden of mannerisms as they are taught politeness and manners from a young age.

9. Friendly People

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In the North, it is well known that people try to keep things up to themselves, and They're not as outwardly friendly, but that is the polar opposite case of their Southern neighbors who are so sweet and easygoing and could interact and have the conversation on the bus or anywhere in particular. 

10. Distance Measuring in Different Terms

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Distances can be measured in miles, minutes, and hours, depending on the destination. Here in the South, they are more familiar with miles depreciation rather than the time one like the North, which could lead to misunderstanding among Northern people.

11. Family Furniture From Older Generations

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Now, in the age of modern furniture, if you visit the house of someone Southern, you will witness that they have old vintage stuff that is a memorial of their family members, such as a rocking chair, etc. They Genuinely treasure it; it is unique, aesthetic, and beautiful. 

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12. Snow Shut Down

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Northerners go through much colder weather and are accustomed to snow and harsh cold weather, so life remains at an average pace, but this is not the case for people of the South. If the snow hits, everything from schools, offices, and stores shut down, and life feels stuck in one phase as people there are not very accustomed to snow. 

13. Funeral Processions

Family at cemetery after funeral
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It's well known that Southerners are gentle and mannered. They also pay complete respect to funerals. If a funeral is proceeding from where they are, they simply step aside, stop, and let the procession pass by, but northerners are often caught up in their lives and don't pay much attention.

14. Accent Difference

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In northern and southern countries, there is just the difference of poles of the same country, but this leads to different accents and dialects, which are very noticeable while talking. It's known that the northern also look down on people who have a Southern accent, but it's a different case on the other side. 

15. Bottle Tree, Blue Porches 

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On the low side of the south area, you will find multiple houses with porches painted blue and blue glass bottles hanging. You may think these people like blue more, but that is untrue. It's an old practice to capture or confuse evil spirits, which will keep evil out of the house, a new concept for Northern.

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