15 Surprising Things Adults Do That Lead to Obesity

Obesity could be termed as a silent killer as it welcomes multiple diseases related to the cardiovascular system, insulin resistance, diabetes, etc., which ultimately decrease the life span. Obesity doesn't happen overnight. Certain factors play a role in the development of obesity. Here are a few things most consider normal that could surprisingly lead to obesity.

1. Food as a Reward

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Some people have a habit of trying to motivate themselves to complete a task by promising themselves a reward, a specific type of food for achieving the goal. Still, this kind of habit, if persisted for long, could lead to overeating, which would ultimately cause obesity. 

2. Healthy Food Trap

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Many of the products out there are marketed as fat-free or low-fat products, which attract buyers thinking they would consume more healthy food, but in reality, this is all a marketing trap. The people who fall for such deception often develop unhealthy eating habits as the food they eat could be highly processed. 

3. Mindless Eating

Couple having a fun date at home eating popcorn and pizza.
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It's common for multiple individuals to have food as their TV partner. People like to snack while watching TV or using the internet without focusing on food. It is well known that people who have adapted to this habit are likelier to gain unhealthy weight than those who eat their food without distraction.

4. Sleep Deprivation

Bored woman working at a desk with a laptop.
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Only a few people realize that good quality and quantity of sleep is crucial for good mental and physical health. People who are sleep-deprived are more at risk of gaining unnecessary amounts of weight than those who get good sleep. Sleep deprivation could lead to hormonal imbalance and tiredness during the day.

5. Sedentary Lifestyle

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Multitudes used to sedentary lifestyles are more likely to gain weight than those with a lifestyle that requires constant movement. It is usual for people with jobs that require them to sit in front of computers to not give attention to exercise or general movement, which in the long run results in obesity.

6. Eating Quickly

Family or friends eating at table
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Most individuals don't allow much time for a meal, so they eat quickly and run for the next task. This might seem like a regular busy life schedule, but it eventually could lead to excessive weight gain because it takes time for the brain to process that the meal is enough for the stomach. It is better to slow down while eating to have a complete, low-calorie intake. 

7. Liquid Calories

Woman drinking pop with a straw.
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Liquid calories are the beverages you intake, such as juices, soft drinks, coffee, etc. All these beverages are packed with vast amounts of calories, and they don't even make you as full as they do not get registered the same way as the whole food by the brain. 

8. Healthy Snaking

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You can find numerous items marketed as healthy snacks in the stores. People who get lured by these techniques are more likely to become victims of obesity as those healthy processed foods also contain high amounts of sugar and other additives. It is advised that the option is to consume homemade snacks.

9. Having Too Many Dressings

Woman preparing salad
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People like to level up their bland, healthy food by adding multiple dressings without acknowledging that they are consuming high amounts of calories. These condiments and dressings could lead to a disturbance in calorie intake and then cause weight gain. 

10.  Temptation of Just Tasting

A beautiful asian woman eating a mixed berries pancakes with ice cream and whipped cream by wooden spoon.
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The temptation to taste a great-smelling food could also lead to obesity. The reason is that people usually give up on their self-control and take a small bite. That small bite could make them eat more, which could ruin all the diet maintenance they have done throughout the day, or if done constantly, then gaining weight should not be a surprise.

11. Social Eating

Friends eating at a restaurant
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This one might surprise numerous, but being too social could also increase the chances of weight gain. While attending social gatherings, meet-ups with friends, etc., options with high fat and calories are hard to deny. Eating at public gatherings puts you at risk for weight gain.

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12. Inconsistent Meal Time

African-American family enjoying a meal at a beach restaurant.
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Having your meals consistently at irregular times could also cause an increase in weight. When eating irregularly, the body's biological clock that controls hunger, sleep, etc., gets disturbed constantly, leading to excessive hunger and ultimately immoderate intake of food, which could aid in obesity.

13. Continuous Stress

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Stress can also be your physical health enemy with mental health because, for numerous individuals, the coping mechanism of stress includes eating mindlessly until they feel good. If done consistently, emotional eating could cause significant weight gain as no one pays attention to calories while eating under stress to calm themselves down. 

14. Comparison

Man using phone.
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While going through social media, multitudes come across various people with the perfect body image, which causes others to feel less of themselves and become demotivated because their goals seem unachievable. They return to regular food munching without worrying about healthy and unhealthy options.

15. Shopping Without List

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Shopping without a plan could contribute to weight gain. People who shop without a grocery list tend to buy things impulsively, affecting their finances and weight. In contrast, people who shop with a list often avoid unnecessary items and remain organized, with less risk of weight gain and less financial burden.

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