15 Things You Should Never Do At Work, According to HR Experts

There are specific spoken and unspoken rules of workplace ethics that everyone should follow to maintain a peaceful environment. Still, some people fail to understand the importance of such things and face difficulty getting along with their jobs. Here is something you should never do to have a better future at your job. 

1. Not Being Punctual

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Being on time at work is essential as it defines your capability of commitment and trustworthiness. Being late sometimes due to unavoidable circumstances is acceptable, and it's even convenient to inform the manager or team that you are stuck, but sticking to being late all the time shows unprofessionalism.

2. Taking Credit for Someone's Work

Workplace Meeting
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One of the rudest things someone could do to their team and co-workers is to take credit for their hard work. It is highly unacceptable; after that, you would lose the good reputation among others. Avoid such tactics and give credit to the person who deserves it. 

3. Gossiping About Co-workers

Men gossiping at office.
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Gossiping feels like a good time pass and something exciting in ritual routine life, but it doesn't permit you to take part in the gossip chatter at lunch or anywhere else. It will destroy your professional image and other colleagues' trust in you. Instead, it's substantial to keep yourself out of such drama for your own sake.

4. Ignoring Feed Back 

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You will find multitudes taking things too personally and being rude about their higher-ups when they receive their work feedback. Of course, no one likes to be criticized, but the approach to such criticism defines your professional mindset. It's preferable to consider it as constructive criticism and improve your weak points.

5. Constant Complaining

Man annoyed with woman.
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Nothing is perfect, whether it's your job or your day. Getting overwhelmed sometimes and venting is OK, but being in complaining mode always sets off your personality as you would be the one making other people's day worse with negative vibes. Instead, overcoming problems with solutions is excellent compared to crying about them.

6. Ignoring Workplace Policies

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It will save you from a lot of trouble if you put a few minutes aside to go through the job policy. As some rules might be unusual to you, such as dress code, timings, mannerisms, etc., if you decide to keep neglecting them, you are putting yourself at high risk of losing the job. 

7. Harassment and Bullying

Woman being judged by mean at an office.
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Harassment in any form is highly unacceptable and is against company policies. If you are unable to have the same level of respect for someone at a lower level than you are or from a different race and ethnicity, it is not fun to bully others in the name of joking, as it could have severe consequences for you and that person's peace as well. 

8. Lying

Man with confused expression talking to a woman.
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As everyone knows well, what goes around comes around. The same goes for lying at work. If you try to brag about your skills that you don't have or spread false rumours about others to lower their reputation, then know that it will come back to you sooner or later. So, to save your face from embarrassment, it's recommended that you refrain from such acts.

9. Spending Time on Social Media

Man using phone.
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By entering the office, you need to switch to professionalism. Still, if you continue using social media for hours of work timings instead of working, then that is a significant setback to your profession. It's OK to have a quick social media time at lunch and breaks but on your personal property, not on office computers. 

10. Being Too Casual

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Today, people prefer comfort in every aspect of life, even in formal settings, such as dressing casually and being too comfortable sharing personal life problems. It is advised not to indulge in personal conversations that include financial issues and display your weaknesses. 

11. Disturb Others

Coworkers having a meeting.
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If you are bored or not in the mood to work and take a break, it doesn't mean you are entitled to disturb others concentrating on their work. If you keep doing it continuously, people will start looking at you as an annoying colleague, ultimately lowering your reputation. It is better to keep your breaks solely to yourself.

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12. Conspiracies in Office

Group of women having a meeting.
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When you decide to create problems for your team rather than solve them, you should know that it will not be fruitful. Many believe getting involved in office conspiracies and politics, such as spreading hate rumours about others, would benefit them. Then, that's not the case in reality; it's the opposite. 

13. Not Dress Up Professionally

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Stepping into the professional boundary requires you to be formal and presentable, and a central part of your personality depends on how you dress up and carry yourself. If you are not dressed according to the office dress code, then it signals a lousy impression about you and a down look at your efforts.  

14. Being Passive Aggressive

Workplace Meeting
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In stressful situations, numerous people often end up being harsh toward their colleagues or teammates, which diminishes their calm personality cover and creates a setback in their personality. Be professional even in situations where others are being unprofessional. That's what makes you exceptional and different from others.

15. Being Unprepared

Woman leading a meeting
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An unsaid but significant rule is to be prepared for your meetings or proposals, know your audience, prepare accordingly, and present yourself as the most confident person in the room. All in all, do your homework. If you do the contrary, that is, without any preparation, it could become a big problem for your credibility.

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