We meet many people daily, some of whom we want to remember and learn from. Others, well, we can't shake off the cringe that we feel after professionally dealing with them. These people tend to twist laws and take advantage of every presented situation. Let's scroll down and discover some legal professions that have earned a bad name due to the acts of their shady practitioners.
1. Payday Lenders
Cash-strapped businesses often take payday loans for a short term. Short-term loans are legal and usually hold a higher interest rate, but payday loans cost an arm and a leg. Many people pay more in the form of interest than the original borrowed amount. A user compared this to the service the mafia used to provide.
2. Multi-Level Marketing
Hundreds of companies in the US use multi-level marketing. However, some turn it into a controversial pyramid scheme. The setup starts when some unpaid ‘authorized' people sell the company's products and recruit others to do the same. They get trapped in the lure of profit from their sales and a commission from the sales of those they recruit. A commenter called recruiters lacking in morals while downline people gullible.
3. Timeshare Salespersons
Timeshare consists of multiple people buying or leasing allotment if using a single property. Due to the corrupt practices of some salespersons in the industry, many consider it a scam. They misrepresent the property or its value, use high-pressure sales tactics, or use deceptive marketing tactics. An individual claimed that they were ‘absolute pros at manipulation.'
4. Motivational Speakers
Motivating people to achieve their goals is noble, but your credibility is questionable when you encourage others to do something you haven't succeeded in. Most motivational speakers get rich by teaching people ‘How to get rich.' A respondent quoted the example of Ken Honda, a Japanese man who got rich by writing a book titled ‘You Should Write a Book to Get Rich.'
5. Debt Collectors
When a company gives loans, they want them repaid. However, how it is recollected and the unethical practices around it make it devious. They pressure people to squeeze from them whatever is possible, which may not align with the Fair Debt Collection Act. A user replied that debt collectors calling them was equivalent to someone trying to shake them down on the street.
6. Health Insurance Agents
People opt for the health insurance policy to be equipped against any probable medical billing. It is helpful for many, but a lot of people fail to get insurance coverage at the time of need. Someone who works at the medical billing was terrified at witnessing claims being denied for silly reasons. They claimed that the agent's real aim was to cause delays so that people miss timely filling.
7. Car Dealers
Although car dealers could sell honestly, they still use manipulative techniques to generate sales. A commenter shared his experience where he went to pick a used car with a friend, which was promised to be ready to go, but they asked for an upfront payment and claimed that the car didn't pass a smog test, so it couldn't be delivered immediately.
8. For-Profit Colleges
Teaching is a noble profession, and no amount of money could reimburse what teachers impart to their students. When the purpose of teaching turns from imparting education and building up nations to earning profits, as is the case with for-profit colleges, society is at stake. A contributor agreed and called them the second-worst scams.
9. Realtors
Realtors help people with the paperwork and all other requirements to buy a house and settle in. They are paid to guide unknowing buyers and draw up the contract in their favor. Some Realtors do perform their duties. A user who recently bought a property said that his realtor received a five-figure amount that did not justify the effort he made.
10. Chiropractors
Chiropractors examine and treat musculoskeletal problems. They attempt to heal a person without using medicine by making adjustments using only their hands. An individual shared meeting some chiropractors who made up things to obtain cash from insurance companies. Another person who served on a jury for a slip and fall case responded that they did not award the plaintiff maximum as the chiropractor seemed untrustworthy.
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