Some things receive the “normal” tag when they indeed should not. Here are ten.
1. Society's Unhealthy Coolness: Smoking and Drinking
Despite the dangerous health risks associated with smoking and drinking, an aficionado highlights the unfortunate fact that society still perceives these habits as “cool.”
2. Respecting Children's Consent on Social Media
Using children's images as profile pictures on social media without their consent is a concern raised by an advocate, as it exposes them to a vast audience of unfamiliar souls.
3. Cheating: Society's Desensitization and Call For Accountability
Expressing discontent with the normalization of cheating in society, a dissenter argues that holding deceivers accountable and imposing social repercussions should be the norm rather than accepting it as a common occurrence.
4. The Real Pain Behind Self-Hatred Jokes
The normalization of self-hatred and self-deprecating jokes in society is a concern voiced by a sentimentalist, who asserts that these comments often stem from genuine pain and should not be treated lightly, despite being dismissed as humor.
5. Questioning the Purpose of Obscene Wealth
A crusader expresses concern about the normalization of extreme wealth and the behaviors of the opulent, contending that beyond a certain point, wealth loses its meaningful purpose and becomes a tool for asserting power and engaging in unhealthy competition.
6. Respecting Personal Boundaries: Unwanted Touching by Women
A commentator points out the issue of women who believe it is acceptable to touch others without their consent, even after being explicitly told to stop. The observer raises concern that such behavior might be dismissed as non-harassment due to the gender of the perpetrators.
7. The Dangerous Glamorization of Overworking
Questioning society's glorification of overworking, a storyteller shares an example from their film school days where a classmate boasted about staying awake for days on end, causing physical illness. The storyteller challenges the notion that such behavior should be seen as impressive or admirable.
8. The Problem With Meddling in Others' Lives
Expressing disapproval of meddling behavior in society, a champion firmly states that interfering in personal matters is not the business of others and emphasizes that they do not engage in such behavior.
9. The Loss of Empathy: Being Mean for No Reason
A critic expresses concerns about normalizing mean-spirited behavior without any justifiable reason. They believe such behavior, whether it manifests as indifference or a genuine lack of care for others, is embarrassing and has contributed to a decline in empathy and humanity within society.
10. Late Arrivals: Unreasonable Expectations at Closing Time
Highlighting a behavior they find gross and unacceptable, a detractor criticizes the practice of arriving just before closing time and expecting staff to stay late to accommodate them. They disapprove of this unfair expectation, emphasizing that it is unreasonable to extend working hours solely because a customer arrived during the store's operating hours.
“Normal For Boomers In The 80s And Taboo Today” 10 Unacceptable Things Boomers Did That Would Never Happen Now
The society in which you live today has some specific norms. If you compare it to the Boomers' generation, you'll realize that you can't do everything that they did in their time. There are many things baby boomers enjoyed as a part of their childhood.
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Gen Z or Gen Alpha can't even imagine doing those things, as it is way unacceptable in this era. Here are a few things Baby Boomers got away with but is a common thing today:
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