Declutter Your Life: 15 Things to Get Rid of Right Now

Overconsumption is a bigger problem than we are letting on, where having 30 variations of the same thing is considered normal. Overconsumption leads to clutter, and it's high time we all took a stand against it by decluttering our lives. Lighten the load, and you'll genuinely feel lighter, as if a load's been taken off your back.

1. Broken / Outdated Electronics

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We all have that one drawer or cabinet filled with random broken pieces of technology, like a phone with a cracked screen, random cables, etc. It's time to get rid of all the useless electronics you've stored up for a “just-in-case” moment. Either recycle them or dispose of them to save up space.

2. Old Newspapers and Magazines

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We save newspapers and magazines with the intention of reading them again or using that one idea mentioned in a column. But realistically, you're never going to read a magazine from 2018 again. Recycle those old magazines and newspapers to free up space in your house – you won't believe how much space they take!

3. Old Makeup and Skincare Products

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Check your makeup bag and cabinets, and you'll find that many of your makeup and skincare products are expired. While some people find it okay to use expired makeup (for that one eyeshadow color you're obsessed with), it's not advisable. Especially with skincare products, the old ones need to go! Plus, your skin will love you for it.

4. Mismatched Socks

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There's just something about socks, unexplained magic, a single sock will always disappear into thin air. Suddenly, you'll have a whole drawer filled with mismatched socks. It's such a small thing, but you've got to start somewhere. Either find a way to recycle them, or it's time to let them go!

5. Useless Mugs and Glasses

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Some people like to collect various kinds of mugs and glasses. Still, there's a point where a collection starts toeing the territory of “too many mugs and glasses .” Don't let your collection get to that point. They take up a lot of space in kitchen cabinets, and you'll find so much space for storage once you get rid of them.

6. Takeout Menus

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If you still have a drawer full of takeout menus, take a moment and reflect. We're in the era of online food delivery apps. Who even uses takeout menus now? They're just taking up space in your drawer for no reason. Takeout menus are a thing of the past and need to be disposed of!

7. Unworn Clothes

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This included clothes that are worn out, too old to wear again, or don't fit you. Yes, you bought those cute jeans a size too small; it's okay to send them off, along with the jeans you saved from high school. Remove the baggage, treat yourself to new clothes, and donate the old ones to those in need. 

8. Worn-Out Towels and Linens

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We all have a bundle of frayed and mismatched towels and sheets in our linen closets that we haven't even looked at in years. But they're still there. Do everyone a favor and donate them to a homeless shelter or an animal shelter, where they'll find a better use than sitting unused in your closet. 

9. Old Instruction Manuals

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Some people also have a habit of keeping every single instruction manual safe, even if the device itself saw its end a few years ago. They just keep piling up, and you forget to discard them once the device stops working. Toss the manuals of devices you don't have anymore and save yourself some space.

10. Unused Exercise Equipment

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It may be a universal thing to have a treadmill in your home that functions as a very spacious hanger for clothes. Don't pretend you don't have one because if you do, it's time to accept defeat and donate it to someone who will actually use it. You can sign up for a gym membership next time, at least it doesn't take up space!

11. Unused Hobby Supplies

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This happens to the best of us. We pick up a new hobby every season, buy all the supplies on impulse, and then never actually get to use them or abandon the project halfway. All the materials are then stored away for when you resume one day, which is very unlikely. Accept the defeat and donate to the local craft store. 

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12. Old Nail Polish

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Yes, you love that particular shade of yellow that doesn't exactly give minions but is also not “yellow yellow.” But if your favorite nail polish has become a gloopy mess, then it's time to let it go. If it has gone all crackly inside the bottle, throw it out and buy yourself some new ones.

13. Random Kitchen Appliances

Couple using air fryer in kitchen.
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

We have a habit of buying useful kitchen appliances we see on Amazon, like that watermelon cutter and a butter dispenser. They're fun to use the first few times, but then they just become annoying and more work to clean. So, if you have any such items in your kitchen, throw them out!

14. Expired Pantry Items

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If you buy your groceries every month, this time, before going, take a look in your pantry. You'll find a lot of expired spices, snacks, and canned items. Get rid of them and make space for the new items. Update your grocery list accordingly based on the newfound space in the pantry.

15. Unused Gift Cards

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Sometimes, it just slips your mind to carry gift cards when you're out shopping in that particular store. It's okay; it happens to the best of us. Now, you need to either consolidate their value or sell them to declutter your mind and wallet. Nothing feels better than that!

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Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

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