10 Things Older Generations Have That Gen Z Is Missing Out On

Millennials and boomers are blessed with many aspects that Gen Z is deprived of. Some people shared such elements on an online platform.

1. Friends Circle

Friends having sushi at restaurant
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Millennials and boomers are the last generations to enjoy the pure, loving friend circle. In old time school, friends remain till old age. Throughout life, making new friends continues. In this way, older people have a large group of friends. And friends of that time were more than a family. But Gen Z is deprived of this blessing. Friends are not pure nowadays, and friendships only last for a while.

2. Face-to-Face Communications

Two Men Chatting or Gossiping
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Old age people prefer face-to-face communication. If they need suggestions or opinions, they do not call their friends. Instead, they prefer to arrange physical meetings. In this way, they get rid of daily routines. Their old friends know them deeply. Thus they can provide more friendly suggestions.

3. Neighbor System

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Millennial and boomer-age people enjoyed the neighboring system. At that time, neighbors were more important than relatives. They share joy and grief. But now, the reality is the opposite. Now Gen Z does not even know who is living beside their home.

4. DIY Hacks

DIY Chair Project
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Millennials and boomers have an innate ability to solve their problems at home. They invent solutions and tackle big issues like pros. But now people lack this ability. Gen Z is not able to solve their small problems even. For minor things, they contact their parents for solutions.

5. Healthy Food

Woman in kitchen making a salad
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Gen Z is facing bad health routines. Nowadays, junk foods are included in daily meals. Even vegetables are not healthy. People are not strong like their parents and grandparents. People from old ages were blessed with pure foods. Their meals were full of protein and fiber. That keeps them healthy till their last years of life.

6. A Set Clock of Life

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Millennials and boomer age people have developed a set clock of life. Their sleeping and awakening routines are established. They have the habit of walking and running. Their dinner time is set. Due to this lifestyle, they enjoy a healthy old age. But Gen Z is deprived of health. They have mobile phones and the Internet. Due to this, they do not have any timetable. 

7. Emotions

Man Kissing Woman on the Cheek
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Emotions are pure in millennial and boomer-age people. They have sympathy, care, condolence, and courage to appreciate. They participate in other people's joys and share their grief. But Gen Z does not know the importance of these emotions. They do not even know what feelings their partners and kids suffer from.

8. Physical Games

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In old age, physical games were more common than video games. Millennials and boomers have enjoyed outdoor games such as street cricket, football, catching, and hide and seek. But Gen Z is only involved in screen time. They enjoy video games and indoor games only.

9. Traditions

Group of senior people
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Traditions and cultures are very important for countries and tribes. And people keep their assets. Millennials and boomer keep their traditions with them. But Gen Z is not conscious of these traditions. At weddings and funerals, they do not practice these traditions. They consider them a waste of time.

10. Patience

Relaxed Happy Man on couch
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Patience is decreasing day by day in people. The main aspect of millennials and boomers is patience. But today, Gen Z is lacking this attribute. On the minor argument, they lose their temperament. Due to this, they can not have healthy discussions.

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