10 Reasons Why Minimum Wage Isn’t Enough in the United States

The minimum wage has been a controversial issue for a long time. Some believe it is insufficient to match living expenses, while others argue it is a fair wage for the work done. Recently on an online platform, people have shared reasons why people believe that minimum wage doesn't match living expenses.

1. Busy Workers Don't Revolt

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Minimum wage and living expenses have always been controversial topics, but a wise sage sheds light on why they don't match up. According to this perspective, it's a deliberate move to keep workers too occupied with making ends meet to revolt against their employers or the system. By keeping wages low and living expenses high, workers are trapped in a vicious cycle of poverty that makes it nearly impossible for them to break free.

2. Companies Pay as Little as Possible

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The corporate world is notorious for prioritizing profits over people, and one insightful user argues that this explains the lack of higher wages. Companies always try to pay their employees as little as possible to maximize their profits, and if they could get away with charging them to work, they would. However, higher wages are also needed due to the lack of organization and demands from workers, who must unite and demand better treatment.

3. Varying Living Expenses and Wages

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While some argue that the minimum wage doesn't match living expenses due to varying living expenses, a particular user believes this argument overlooks the larger issue. They gave an example of their daughter, who works part-time at a small bookstore, lives at home, and has no expenses. While the bookstore pays above the national minimum wage, it doesn't provide a living wage. The commenter emphasizes that not all workers or jobs are the same, but the broader issue remains that many workers cannot make a living wage and are trapped in a cycle of poverty.

4. The Illusion of the American Dream

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Are you tired of the never-ending revolution of working long hours, barely making ends meet, and never getting ahead? In the eyes of a rebel, the minimum wage doesn't match living expenses because it's a ploy to keep the American dream just out of reach. Companies want to keep workers enslaved to their jobs, allowing only two days off and penalizing them for getting sick. This promise of a better life is always dangled out of reach, keeping people working harder and harder to escape poverty.

5. Working People Kept Desperate

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Do you feel like you're constantly struggling to stay afloat financially? A fervent advocate shares that the minimum wage doesn't match living expenses because capitalism relies on keeping working people in a state of financial instability and desperation. This prevents them from going on strike and demanding change. The enthusiast argues that it's time to break free from this system that prioritizes profits over people and starts prioritizing the well-being of workers.

6. Wage Stagnation and Inflation

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A workforce veteran claims that minimum wage used to be enough to cover living expenses, but it changed during the Reagan administration. Since then, wage stagnation has made it increasingly more work for minimum wage earners to meet ends. Although there was a significant increase in minimum wage early in the pandemic, inflation has eaten away much of that progress, leaving minimum wage earners struggling once again.

7. Capitalism Incentivizes Low Wages

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Capitalism is a complex economic system that rewards businesses for making as much profit as possible, and according to a critic, this is the root cause of minimum wage not matching living expenses. To maximize their profits, companies pay workers as little as they can get away with, leading to a situation where the cost of living continues to rise while wages remain stagnant. This puts many laborers in a difficult position where they struggle to afford basic necessities.

8. Keeping People Oppressed

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The minimum wage doesn't match the living expenses shared by an observer; it serves as a tool of oppression and control over the working class. The maverick suggests that those in power intentionally keep wages low to maintain a sense of control over those who have no choice but to accept minimum-wage jobs. This eternalizes the cycle of poverty and further reinforces the power dynamic between those in power and the working class.

9. Lack of Consequences and Lobbying

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A free thinker argues that multiple factors contribute to the minimum wage not matching living expenses. Among these are the lack of consequences for companies that pay low wages, the decline in union membership and power, and the influence of lobbying. These factors have contributed to keeping the minimum wage low and have made it challenging for laborers to make a living wage.

10. Historical Corporate Greed

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According to a commenter, corporate greed is the primary reason the minimum wage doesn't match living expenses. The user suggests that throughout history, corporations have prioritized profits over fair wages for workers, leading to an economic system that values the bottom line over the well-being of its employees. This mindset persists today and leaves many workers struggling to make ends meet while corporations continue to amass vast profits.

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