The United States is perceived as the freest country worldwide. It has been thought that no one else enjoys the freedom Americans enjoy in their country. But is this true? Americans have expressed that some public rights are prevailing in other countries that they wish to have in their own country. Let's look at the top freedoms other countries have but the US doesn't.
1. Sending Children to School Fearlessly
Reports have shown that gun shooting is one of the prominent causes of child death in the US. Due to high shooting incidents, American parents are always afraid of sending their children to school. In contrast, other countries ensure the safety of children and students. Parents never get worried about their children while sending them for outdoor activities.
2. Getting Medical Treatment for Free
The healthcare system in the US is entirely different from that of other countries. Most countries offer free or cheaper treatments for the public, but America has expensive medical services. The public prefers private medical treatments, and many Americans wish to enjoy the medical services offered by other territories.
3. Enjoying Paid Holidays in a Year
Different rules and regulations exist in various companies, depending on the region. Some companies relax their employees and allow them to take leaves in emergencies, while others don't understand the workers' circumstances and force them to be regular workers. The same happens in America. Americans cut off the salaries of their team depending on their yearly holidays.
4. Following Your Religion Openly
Apparently, America is a free country. However, people of different religions face difficulty following their customs and rituals freely. They may not be targeted directly, but the majority feel restrictions regarding religious practice. On the other hand, many countries ensure religious rights to everyone regardless of religion.
5. Following Your Culture Freely
Different territories have different cultures and rituals. Besides religious beliefs, their living styles vary widely from one person to another. If you're a foreigner in the US, you'll feel you can't continue living with your specific culture freely here. You have to adapt to many changes according to the natives. The trend is not the same in other countries.
6. Getting Rights and Respect Equally
Social classes exist in nearly every country. However, many countries have provided the public with equal facilities, opportunities, and other rights. You will not be respected and treated equally in some countries, such as America. Your race, social class, religion, and living standards will decide how you will be treated in the US.
7. Having a Bank Account in Another Currency
According to Americans, their banks do not allow them to keep amounts in currencies other than the US dollar in their accounts. They are astonished that other countries are providing minor facilities to the public, but the US government has put restrictions in place and has limited them to US dollars.
8. Having a Gun Without Police Checks
Some countries have relaxed their citizens' gun possession laws. The laws in such countries do not restrict the public from buying and owning defensive weapons. But in America, you have to undergo significant police checks when carrying a gun with you. Such differences have forced the public to seek residence in other countries.
9. Getting Low-Cost Homes
The cost of living is relatively high in the US. When it comes to buying a home in America, you have to struggle hard to manage your budget. Living areas should be sold at affordable rates. Contrary to America, some countries prioritize public needs and fix relatively lower rates for their homes.
10. Buying Some Specific Drugs
Not all drugs are made readily available to the public due to the high risk of side effects associated with those drugs. Countries usually have proper limitations and rules for the selling of such medications. However, America has prohibited the sale of these drugs regardless of the intense patient condition. For example, possession of a small amount of cocaine is permissible under certain circumstances in other countries but not in the US.
11. Owning a Property Without Paying Tax
The American tax system is challenging and causes little trouble for the public. Americans have expressed that they can't get ownership of their personal property if they are not paying the tax on time. The government can seize their property if any delay occurs in tax payments. The public is forced to pay the yearly tax for the property they have already paid.
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12. Getting Affordable Education
Education expenses vary depending on your selected degree, institute, and the area where you're living. However, the US education system demands high wages for studies. Although scholarships and other financial aid options are available, students still face difficulties continuing their higher education.
13. Getting Retirement Earlier
Retirement age varies between countries. In many countries, individuals can retire early and enjoy the rest of their lives peacefully. However, the situation is different in America. People have to face many challenges to get an earlier retirement. Further, financial stability is another factor that contributes to deciding retirement age.
14. Ensuring the Privacy of the Data
Many Americans complain about data leakage. According to them, their data can be sold quickly with limited restrictions. They don't have any assurance of privacy maintenance of their data. Although the situation can be the same in many other countries, some still have fully secured data management systems.
15. Moving Out of the Country Easily
No doubt, Americans enjoy the right to move freely within the country, but when it comes to moving out of the country, they have to face some restrictions, mainly tax payments. Other countries are observed offering more freedom and easy-to-follow methods to people thinking of settling abroad.
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