Longevity Tips: 15 Daily Habits for a Longer Life

Nearly everyone wishes to live an extra year. Scientific trials to make man immortal have never been successful. However, the same science has shown that some habits help improve a person's quality of life and increase his lifespan. Here are all the daily habits that you should follow to ensure a longer life.

1. Control Your Calorie Intake

A beautiful asian woman eating a mixed berries pancakes with ice cream and whipped cream by wooden spoon.
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Studies have shown that restricted calorie intake increases the quality and duration of life. We are all aware that most chronic and lethal diseases are associated with obesity. The more you eat, the more fat will accumulate in your body. In contrast, limiting the number of calories reduces the risks of obesity and other metabolic disorders, thus increasing your life span.

2. Take Regular Exercise 

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Exercise has proven efficient in slowing the aging process. There are a lot of physiological functions that are improved by exercise that further help boost the body's strength. For example, you will be less likely to suffer from inflammatory diseases, cardiovascular disorders, and muscular malfunction if you exercise regularly. Try to exercise for at least fifteen minutes every day.

3. Avoid Smoking 

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Research has depicted that smokers are at more risk of premature death as compared to people who do not smoke. Besides lung diseases, smoking is also associated with chronic and fatal heart diseases. Therefore, try your best to avoid it. It is never too late to quit smoking. Quitting smoking even at the later stages of your life can help you increase your lifespan by a few years.

4. Stay Away From Stress

Woman upset sitting on couch frustrated with laptop.
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Prolonged stress continuously stimulates the sympathetic nervous system of the body. The continuous signals from the sympathetic nervous system increase the heart's and other organs' workload, thus reducing their efficiency. It has been shown practically that people who stay positive all the time enjoy more years of their lives. Therefore, it is time to free your body and mind from stress and anxiety.

5. Enjoy Proper Sleep 

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Inadequate sleep intake for longer periods puts you at risk of early death. It has been said that if you are taking sleep less than 5 to 7 hours, you are more likely to die earlier. It is because of the increased risk of chronic diseases such as inflammation and heart diseases associated with improper sleep patterns. So you should always prefer a healthy night's sleep instead of working late at night. 

6. Restrict Sugar Intake 

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Health professionals always recommend the avoidance of added or processed sugar. The intake of a high amount of processed sugar is highly associated with fatal diseases, mainly diabetes, and even cancer. The best way to deal with your cravings is to add natural sweeteners such as honey to your diet. Also, be careful of the sugar added to snacks and bakery products.

7. Limit Fast Foods

Woman has breakfast in Mcdonald's restaurant.
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The trend of fast food is increasing each day, even though it is associated with chronic diseases. The more you eat fast food, the more you are putting yourself at risk of increased blood pressure and inflammatory diseases. Eating homemade food is the best solution. It will not only reduce the risk of adverse health effects but also save you money.

8. Have Loyal Friend Circle 

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The environment in which you are living greatly impacts the quality of your life. If you have toxic people in your surroundings, you are more likely to suffer from psychological issues. Your inability to live peacefully alters the hormonal balance in your body, thus decreasing your strengths and abilities. So, choose your friends wisely. Don't hesitate to leave the selfish people in your social circle.

9. Control Your Weight 

Upset overweight woman
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Obesity is the root of the chronic and lethal diseases. You will find every overweight person suffering from an adverse health condition. You can control your weight by following different techniques and medical treatments. If you are overweight, make a proper weight loss plan related to your diet, exercise, sleep pattern, and medications if needed. See professional help if you are unable to control your weight by yourself. 

10. Drive Safely 

Man using GPS in car.
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Accidents due to negligence have become a major cause of unexpected deaths worldwide. Obviously, you can't totally avoid driving, but at least you can follow preventive measures. Never forget to wear a seat belt and helmet when driving. Also, be careful of your speed because most accidents occur because of speeding. These considerations will save your life and those of others driving near you.

11. Fulfill Your Nutritional Requirements 

Woman cooking
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Millions of people do not pay attention to their body needs and requirements because of their hectic daily routines. A single micronutrient deficiency can put you at risk of severe health conditions. Follow a healthy meal plan regularly. When you are aging, try adding supplements to your diet according to your doctor's recommendations.

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12. Limit Your Salt Intake 

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Excessive salt intake is always associated with an increased risk of hypertension. The more sodium you consume, the higher your blood pressure will be, and the more likely you will experience a stroke. In addition to the heart, high salt intake also impairs kidney functioning. So be careful of the amount of salt you are taking in.

13. Avoid Alcohol Consumption 

Friends drinking beer together.
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People who are addicted to alcoholic drinks are never able to enjoy the extra years of their life. Alcohol is always associated with a negative impact on nearly all the organs of the body, mainly the liver, heart, and brain. You will find many people saying that moderate alcoholic intake does not affect your health, but it is not true. To enjoy your life's longevity, you must completely abstain from alcohol.

14. Rely More on Plant-Based Diet

Asian local woman buy vegetables and fruits in supermarket.
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Plant-based diets are free of unhealthy fats. Due to this reason, health professionals recommend adding more fruits and vegetables to your daily diet. This type of diet controls the level of LDL cholesterol in the body, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It does not mean you cannot enjoy meat, but try relying more on plant food. 

15. Intake Turmeric 

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You will always find turmeric included in inefficient ways of slowing aging. Turmeric's anti-aging properties are due to curcumin, a bioactive compound. This component holds important anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the risk of fatal diseases. You can try out turmeric as an option to increase the years of your lifespan.

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