Indeed, men are often symbolized as strong, sturdy figures who are the provider for the family. However, that's only sometimes the true case. Some facts about them should be noticed or addressed. Let's hear them loud!
1. Limited Friend Circle
Most men focus on their work and family and let their friendships wither. They don't have enough “quality friends” to open up. As time passes, the situation becomes even worse. Added by a user, even outwardly successful men lack quality friendships. Balancing relations is the hardest task for men. Often, work and life have blurred boundaries.
2. Horrible Planner
There are some places where men often need more skills. One such area is planning. According to another contributor, it takes more work for men to decide on a compatible spot. Whether it's a vacation spot or a place to dine out, their choices aren't very much “congruent.” So it's better to tell us where we are going rather than let us decide.
3. Remembering Compliments
Women don't just like compliments; they are also near and dear to men. As voiced by a contributor, men love to be praised for their dressings, choices, etc. Thinking it doesn't matter to us isn't true at all. They remember the compliments for months, even for years, too. Their weight is very close to them.
4. Stress
Men face many stress issues that are not given much attention. There is societal pressure on men to be providers and protectors for society. There are lots of things that are outside our control. As added by one of the contributors, these pressures stress men too much. Their outward macho look is suffering with lots of struggles. They remain silent and suffer internally.
5. Being Honest
Honesty is a trait that is not only liked by women but also by men. Contributed by a user, being honest and straightforward in every matter makes things good for them. Men aren't guilty in every situation, but they will if things are hidden or lied to by them.
6. Emotions
Being emotional is mainly attributed to the women. However, men also have emotions. As mentioned by another individual, men aren't heartless or cold but good at hiding emotions. So that their kith and kin don't suffer. But deep inside, they suffer too and need someone to help them. They just want support.
7. Hints Are the Grinds
One activity that is the grind in men's lives is guessing. Mentioned by another individual, even the most obvious hints go past us. Straight and to the point are the possible areas to retrieve the desired response. So this “guess game” is to be avoided with us to not face disappointment and embarrassment from us.
8. Reluctant to Share Feelings
Men are often portrayed as creatures whose feelings and thoughts are hard to figure out. A person raised a point; some reasons stem from this reluctance and are overlooked by the majority. Often, their thoughts have been weaponized and used against them in the past, but mostly, they consider the situation needs their attention rather than others, as they don't want others to be worried about them.
9. Giving Suggestions
Giving suggestions, in many instances, proves difficult for many men. An exciting point introduced by a user: most men's suggestions often fail to cover the point entirely or skip an area. Often, they take time to give a considerable opinion. But it doesn't mean that all their suggestions are worthless or that they can not give suggestions.
10. Hefty Voice
It's a fact that men's voices are sturdy. But their “voice” is often misinterpreted. As added by the last contributor, men are often misunderstood as rude and cold, but their voice distorts the facts. By nature, they are bestowed with a heavy voice. Considering them as angry creatures is not true; they are calm, too.
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