People Lacking Empathy Usually Have These 15 Traits

Compassion is a crucial determinant of interpersonal communication. However, it appears that some people never possess this character at all. Lack of empathy typically begets certain traits that can be recognized and comprehended. Below are fifteen observable characteristics of individuals who lack empathy:

1. Self-Centeredness

Self Love
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The first observable feature of 'empathy deficit' is the selfish perspective of people who have it. They are naturally greedy and incapable of thinking in other people's best interests. Hence, they are uncaring of the feelings of other people. It also leads to self-absorption in the different aspects of life, including interpersonal relationships, and causes stressful interaction patterns. 

2. Inability To Listen

Woman Annoyed by Man
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Another one is an inability to listen attentively, among the key signs. They may speak at the wrong time, disregard or minimize other people's issues, or steer the conversation back toward themselves. Such behavior only pursues their interests and ignores the sentiments and stories of others, which only strengthens their empathy deficit. 

3. Insensitivity

Upset Women
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A lack of empathy also encourages people to come up with or participate in insensitive remarks and actions. Such persons often offend others by saying something wrong or doing things that are damaging in some way without regard. This is due to reduced empathy or awareness of how their utterances or conduct impact those close to them.

4. Manipulative Tendencies

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Another widespread emotional misconduct of the characters without empathy is manipulation. Their primary motivation is to get what they want regardless of the emotional consequences and pain that come to the victims. They cripple their capacity to understand other people, and this makes it easier for them to rape, kill, or whatever it is they do. 

5. Lack of Genuine Relationships

Upset man sitting in a chair.
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Self-organization is also seen as a critical challenge among those who lack empathy, especially when establishing healthy interpersonal relationships. Their failure to relate to the emotional aspect makes their interactions entirely pragmatic. Hence, they have many ‘pals' but no ‘mates'; in other words, they may have a host of people but hardly any friends in the real sense of the term. 

6. Difficulty in Understanding Emotions

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One task that is very difficult to handle among those who cannot empathize properly is interpreting emotions. Persons with this condition might not be able to read social signs such as body language, facial expression, and tone of voice properly or might not be sensitive enough to notice when someone is angry or sad due to the interaction. This difficulty undermines their ability to communicate positively and empathetically with others. 

7. Narcissistic Traits

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Lack of empathy usually goes hand in hand with narcissistic features. According to narcissistic personality traits, people are self-centered and need admiration, disregarding even the feelings of other individuals. Such people are pretty self-serving and devoid of sensitivity, making it easy to ignore other people's wants and emotions. 

8. Hostile or Aggressive Behavior

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Selfishness, cruelty, and self-centeredness are also hallmarks of people who have no regard for other people's feelings. Such people might use aggression or even angrily confront others about the effects they leave behind. They cannot understand other people's plight, causing aggressive actions that lead to hostile working conditions and reciprocal animosity.

9. Poor Conflict Resolution Skills

Woman annoyed listening to man
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Conflict resolution is another area where these individuals often are not very efficient. They may disrespect other members' contributions or be non-compliant, thus entailing remaining disagreements. This is because they cannot emote for the other person's feelings or settle for any compromise during a conflict. 

10. High Levels of Stress and Anxiety

Stressed Fast Food Employee Feeling Desperate and Frustrated Unhappy business manager feeling overwhelmed and stressed.
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Lack of empathy is normally accompanied by stress and anxiety compared to people with empathy. This means that they will have poor social relationships and are likely to be socially isolated because they cannot bond emotionally with other people. This isolation can worsen their stress as well as lead to mental disorders since they mostly have no one to comfort them.

11. Judgmental Attitudes

Men gossiping at office.
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Another personality attribute often reported is associated with judging one's self or others excessively. These people tend to be very judgmental and may not spare a thought of how such a person feels or is going through. This is because intrinsic theorists cannot exercise empathy and comprehend other people's viewpoints. 

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12. Detachment From Social Norms

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Lack of empathy means they do not respect social rules and regulations; therefore, social norms appear unrelated. They might not follow the rules or act properly within society since the maladaptive behavior does not include consideration for social consequences. This detachment results in social rejection and isolation of the individuals who are suffering from this disorder.

13. Unreliability

Woman realizing she is late
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Unpredictability is another sign of a low level of empathy. Depending on the severity, they can often be unreliable regarding their word, being late, or not doing what they said they would do. They are not considerate of others' emotions and concerns, which puts them in a precarious measure of reliability and honesty, and they end up frustrating their companions.

14. Indifference to Others' Pain

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Lack of concern for other people's suffering is one of the most obvious signals of low empathy. It has become common to find these individuals ignore other's suffering or even lack the ability and desire to console such individuals. This makes them unemotional; hence, when they are emotionally charged, people perceive them as unsympathetic or cruel.

15. Lack of Accountability

Woman being judged by peers
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Finally, lack of accountability tends to be characteristic of those who have no patience for empathy.  Bully victims will likely deny accountability for their actions or shift the blame to others. They do not stop to think that their actions may have consequences rooted in a lack of ability to put oneself in the other person's shoes. 

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