Eating healthy while staying on budget can be challenging for a college student. Fast food is cheaper and more readily available, but you might have to do additional hard work for a healthy lifestyle. Let’s look at some of the ways you can utilize some wallet-friendly sources so you do not go broke while trying to eat healthily.
1. Greek Yogurt
Greek Yogurt is thought to be an expensive purchase; however, if you make it at home, it may be the best form of protein diet you can have. One user mentions how he makes his own Greek Yogurt by culturing it out. Only Greek Yogurt has enough amount of protein in it, so it’s best if you can take out time and try to make your own rather than spending money on it. However, another person mentions that it also depends on where you reside; Greek Yogurt can be cheaper in your area. In that case, you can just buy it.
2. Tofu
Tofu is known to be rich in protein, and you can find it in multiple dishes, especially with rice. A college student highlights how it is readily available, and you can season it however you like. It goes with every dish, and you can mix it with chicken and rice and have the perfect meal.
3. Beans
Not everyone likes beans, but it is one of the most traditional and staple meals for many people. If you pair up beans with a plate of rice, they taste exceptional. Multiple people have talked about how rice and beans are a vital meal of almost every culture in the West. More than anything, beans are readily available and cheap to buy, as well as fulfilling.
4. Lentils
Another food that is rich in protein. In your science book, you must have studied the food pyramid, and lentils top the list of protein-rich meals. Another college student mentions how red lentils are a superior food choice. You can make lentil curry and have it with rice, which will last you more than one day. What more does a college student want than to spend as little money on food as he can?
5. Eggs
Of course, who can forget about eggs? The staple breakfast item. You can be as creative with eggs as you want. Use them in your French toast or pancakes, make an omelet, boil it, and add it to your stir-fried rice and ramen. One can never go wrong with an egg. Many users have mentioned how eggs can be a little expensive depending on where you are living, but since they are probably the best source of protein, the price is worth it.
6. Chick Peas
Again, chickpeas are a source of protein that you can add to any meal. You can have them boiled or add them to your salads and soups. According to one college-going user, chickpeas are his staple meal, which he adds to almost everything. You can season them how you like, according to your taste buds.
7. Quinoa
If you’ve never heard of it, Quinoa is a plant with seeds rich in protein, Vitamin B, and dietary fibers. No wonder Quinoa has also been mentioned by one of the commenters. According to him, it tastes like grain but isn’t. You can find various recipes that include Quinoa as a main ingredient.
8. Canned Tuna
Fish is, of course, abundant in protein but too expensive for anyone to buy and eat daily. But the canned tuna available at supermarkets isn’t as expensive. One can of Tuna may last you two meals. Not only that, you can cook it with the seasonings you like and have it with rice, or bread, whatever you prefer. Many students have mentioned how canned tuna is part of their daily routine meals.
9. Sweet Potato
Potatoes are not a direct source of protein. However, as one user perfectly explains, amino acids are chains of carbohydrates; hence, consuming different sources of meals from each food group would give you the ultimate health benefit. If you roast sweet potato and have it with Greek Yogurt, it could be a delicious and cheap meal.
10. Sardines
Sardines are another type of fish, like tuna. Multiple users have also mentioned buying canned sardines. They might differ in taste from the tuna, so one could alternate between them. They cost about $0.44, depending on where you are living. Nonetheless, you can combine it with rice and enjoy your protein-filled meal.
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