10 Little Fibs Most Parents Say to Their Kids

You should be amazed, curious, and eager to learn as a child. Parents often use their experience to guide their kids in the right direction. During this journey, they sometimes tell their kids “little white lies,” which are small, harmless lies meant to steer them in the right way.

When these stories are told with good aims, they often teach lessons or keep people safe. Now that we're older, we remember these times with a mix of nostalgia and laughter, understanding that our parents were also learning how to be parents.

1. The Myth of Toad and Wart

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Many parents have told their kids they will get warts if they touch frogs or toads. These monsters' rough skin texture is probably where this tale started. It's possible that parents utilized it to keep kids away from potentially dangerous animals. Although the myth that touching a toad can result in warts is completely false, it may have deterred children from interacting with unfamiliar animals.

2. Watching Too Much TV Will Turn Your Brain to Mush

Woman scared watching tv
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Parents frequently advise against their children watching too much television because they think it can harm their cognitive development. While too much screen time can be bad for you, especially if it takes the place of other activities like reading or playing outside, moderate TV viewing does not “mush” the brain. This deception probably aims to encourage better behaviors.

3. Nonsense: Your Eyes Will Stay Crossed

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When kids make funny faces, cross their eyes, or act playfully, parents can respond with this line. The falsehood, which implies that one's eyes might end up permanently crossed, is intended to discourage this conduct. It does not represent any medical truth but a harmless lie told to keep everyone polite.

4. Gum Can Last Seven Years in Your Stomach

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Parents frequently tell their kids that gum will stay in their stomach for seven years in an attempt to stop them from swallowing it. In actuality, gum usually goes through the digestive process just like any other meal. This falsehood aims to deter people from chewing gum and from ingesting non-food objects, which may cause stomach problems.

5. You Will Break Your Mother's Back if You Step on a Crack

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Superstitious beliefs are frequently exploited as a lighthearted method to get kids moving. The concept is that a straightforward stroll can become an enjoyable game by avoiding sidewalk cracks. This is a falsehood that parents tell their kids to keep them entertained and to remind them to look around them.

6. Coffee Drinks Will Stunt Your Growth

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Parents sometimes tell young children not to drink coffee because they believe it may impede their growth. This falsehood is meant to shield children from the possible harmful effects of caffeine and make sure they choose healthy drinks instead. Caffeine doesn't directly impair a child's physical development, but it can disrupt sleep patterns and make it unsuitable for them.

7. Low Light Reading Will Damage Your Eyes

Woman looking at phone in bed
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Sometimes, parents advise against reading in dim light, saying it will damage their kids' vision. The goal is to avoid eye strain and promote healthy reading habits. Although reading in low light can momentarily strain your eyes, it won't harm them permanently.

8. Chocolate Eating Causes Nightmares

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Parents may associate nightmares with drinking chocolate right before bed. This may be an effort to restrict sugar intake or stop kids from enjoying sweets right before bed. Chocolate alone doesn't always ensure a bad night's sleep, even though sugar can impact it.

9. The Story of “TV Will Make You Blind”

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Parents who want to restrict screen time may mention that excessive television watching causes blindness. This falsehood most likely originates from worries about kids spending too much time in front of screens. Although excessive screen time can harm one's eyes and general health, it can not cause blindness.

10. Don't Skip the Crusts—They're Full of Vitamins!

Tasty breakfast. Young woman eating a peanut butter and raspberry jam sandwich for breakfast.
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Parents frequently argue that bread crusts are high in vitamins and nutrients to get kids to eat them. This falsehood is intended to reduce food waste and encourage a balanced diet. The nutrients in the crusts are similar to those in the rest of the bread, notwithstanding their presence.

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