10 Foods You Might Not Want to Eat After Learning About Their Production Processes

From imitation crab made of fish paste to orange juice that's not as fresh as it claims to be, some foods can look appetizing until you learn about their production process. Recently, people have shared various not-so-pleasant truths about some of their favorite foods on an online platform.

1. Imitation Crab

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The first user expressed disgust towards imitation crab, describing it as nothing but fish paste mixed with eggs and an assortment of colorings and additives. While the ingredients may be unpalatable, the horror comes from watching the crab's process. The commenter describes the unnerving sight of watching the two different colors of extruded paste being stretched out and twisted around each other.

2. Apple Salad

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As per a single user's account, they once adored their grandmother's apple salad treat, yet when they inquired about the recipe, they discovered that it was nothing more than apples, mayonnaise, and sugar. The revelation of the simple ingredients behind the seemingly complex dish disappointed the user.

3. Mushroom Soup

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Another individual claimed their wife's aunt made a mushroom soup that was supposed to be healthy and tasty. However, when they tried it, it was just okay. It wasn't until the aunt revealed that the soup contained mushrooms infested with caterpillars that the person was thoroughly grossed out. The caterpillars were infected with cordyceps, a fungus that controls their minds and forces them to climb high places and die, spreading the fungus to other insects.

4. Foie Gras

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During their stint in culinary school, a user had an opportunity to explore a farm that housed the much-praised delicacy, foie gras. Although admitting to the dish's succulence, the user abandoned their indulgence after witnessing the cruelty behind its preparation. Foie gras, a gustatory extravagance extracted from the livers of geese or ducks, undergoes an elaborate procedure of force-feeding, granting it a distinctive velvety texture and flavor unmatched in richness. The birds have been force-fed a high-calorie diet, which causes their livers to become enlarged.

5. Puff Pastry

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A baker shares their insight on the intricate art of making puff pastry, confessing that the task can be daunting and demands immense effort and time. They clarify that it's not because the process is repulsive; rather, the intricacy of the steps involved can be overwhelming, and one can easily lose motivation if not careful. Crafting the light, buttery layers of puff pastry is indeed an art that requires precision and patience, and it's no wonder why it's considered a challenge even by experienced bakers.

6. PagPag

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A disturbing revelation was shared by a user concerning “PagPag,” a widely consumed meal among destitute Filipinos. The process of scavenging leftover food from eateries and reprocessing it into a new dish was exposed in a harrowing video. The user was left saddened and disturbed by the whole ordeal, and rightfully so.

7. Shark Fin Soup

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Amidst the widespread fondness for Shark Fin Soup, a user raises a valid point about the sinister reality of how the fins are acquired. In a gory video readily accessible online, fishermen can be observed hauling a shark onto their vessel, amputating all its fins, and tossing it back into the ocean to suffer an excruciating death. This inhumane procedure, commonly referred to as shark finning, inflicts needless suffering on the creatures and puts their existence in peril. 

8. Flaki

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In Poland, a dish called flaki, a soup made from cow stomachs, was relayed by another individual. While the thought of consuming such a concoction might repel many, the user, on the other hand, finds it lip-smackingly delicious. Taste preferences vary widely across cultures, and it's fascinating to see how a seemingly unappealing dish to some can be a cherished delicacy to others.

9. Orange Juice

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It's intriguing how marketing can sometimes warp the truth and create misconceptions, leading to consumer skepticism. A user bared their repugnance towards refrigerated orange juice. They didn't find it revolting or anything of that sort, but they believed it to be nothing more than old, reconstituted juice. They further explained that the labels boasting of it being “fresh-squeezed,” “not from concentrate,” and “pure” were only true in the vaguest sense.

10. Rat Burger

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The user shared their memory of the rat burger scene from the movie Demolition Man, where a character initially enjoyed a burger without knowing it was made from rat meat. The comment reflects on the idea that sometimes people's perception of taste can be influenced by their knowledge or beliefs about the food.

15 Most Dangerous Cities to Live in the US (Plus One State)

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We have seen multiple people willing to live in the United States worldwide for better opportunities. Still, as every place has its tale of beauty, some stories of horror or darkness are associated with them. Something similar is the case with a few cities in the US. Here are some of the places people should not opt to live.

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