Whether you’re getting ready for college within your home state or gearing up for an out-of-state university, there are a few things you could do to prepare, like taking certain courses, studying hard, and determining how you’ll afford your education. Then, you’ll be all set once you step foot onto campus.
1. Take the Required Courses
2. Enroll in AP, IB, and College Courses
Your high school may offer you the opportunity to take Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) classes, which are college-level and will allow you to earn college credit. Then, you can skip these courses when you get to college and ensure you have a head start.
3. Do Test Prep
When it comes to how to prepare for college, don’t neglect studying for your SATs. The SATs are required for the majority of college applications in the U.S. You can study by forming study groups with friends, taking the PSATs and practice tests, getting an SAT tutor, and enrolling in SAT practice classes.
4. Hone Your Study Skills
Whenever there is a local college fair happening, try to attend it. That way, you can learn about different colleges you may want to apply to.
7. Meet With Your High School Guidance Counselor
Your high school guidance counselor can help you with preparing for college in a number of different ways. They can advise you on what classes to take and extracurricular activities you can enroll in to ensure you have a competitive college application when the time comes.
9. Look Into Student Loans Filling out the FAFSA isn’t the only thing on your financial to-do list when you’re prepping for college. You could also weigh your student loan options. As mentioned, the FAFSA puts you in contention for federal student loans — among other tuition subsidies like work-study or grants.