Chris Evans Defends Anthony Mackie: "Sam Wilson is Captain America," Is The Speculation True?

There has been speculation on whether or not Sam Wilson will fill Captain America's bright red boots. Chris Evans seems to be certain that Anthony Mackie will replace him with the starring role. But is this speculation true?

This is in conflict with The Hollywood Reporter reporting that "Captain America 4" is in the works and Anthony Mackie will be keeping his role as Sam Wilson, not Captain America. The speculation that Evans would reprise Captain America has been cleared up by none other than Evans himself. "Sam Wilson is Captain America" Evans tweeted to The Hollywood Reporter.

Evans has been at the helm of the wildly popular series since 2011 when "Captain America: The First Avenger" was released over a decade ago, in 2011. The outlet also shared that the film will be produced by Julius Onah.

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