Society always seems to forget about people born between the mid-1960s and the early 2000s, professionally labeled as “Generation X.” This is primarily because they occupy the middle ground between Baby Boomers and Millennials, who are constantly being discussed. Here are 15 reasons why society tends to forget about Generation X.
1. The Issue of Size
One of the prime reasons this group gets trodden over is its size. With just 65 million Gen X members in the US, this generation is substantially smaller than the Baby Boomers and Millennials. Their lesser numerical presence results in less social impact than just plain numbers.
2. The Latchkey Kids
Gen X is named “the latchkey generation” because they never grew up with much supervision and independence, as their parents were always at work. Well, in simple terms, this kind of children-making process nurtured self-dependence. This resulted in a lesser scope of gaining public appreciation by seeking attention in societal dialogues.
3. The Technological Shift
While the Boomers witnessed the advent of television and Millennials had the internet at their fingertips since childhood, the scene was quite the opposite for Gen X. Instead, they were always engrossed yet shifted from analog systems to digital ones and picked up new technologies along the way. This kept them devoid of a compelling, uniquely identified technological profile that would otherwise have them discussed during talks about technological advancement as a generation.
4. Blurred Cultural Identity
Culturally, Gen X went between the rock-n-roll likening of the Boomer generation and the new-age hip-hop and grunge of the following Millennials. In this regard, such cultural overlap blurred a clear, unique generational identity.
5. Economic Context
Gen X did have a gloomy economic period that helped mold their financial habits and perspective. The attitude resulted in being cautious and pragmatic, more preoccupied with survival. This accounts for fewer daring moves that would be otherwise noteworthy for generations if it were not for the case.
6. The Quiet Workforce
A force in the workforce, Gen X is known for their drive and loyalty, often bringing strength to companies. However, they seldom aggressively pursue accolades or race toward corporate goals because they would rather stay out of the public eye.
7. Portrayal in the Media
The media does not cover Gen X as it covers Boomers and Millennials. Their narrative is not wholly communicated in ways that demonstrate their struggles or accomplishments. This visibility has led to a virtual invisibility.
8. Politics
Regarding politics, Generation X is outdone by more extensive generations. While they still maintain significant political roles, the fact is that there are very few of them, so they have fewer votes and, therefore, do not attract as many politicians or media followers.
9. Pop Culture Influencers
Generation X was an enormous pop culture influencer. Ever heard of the '80s and the '90s? Still, popular culture relevance is given only to Baby Boomer activities and, currently, anything connected to the Millennials.
10. Economic Downturn
In 2008, they got a financial slap in the face, with many still recovering, focusing on building the resources needed to send them into their retirement years. This does not allow many options for societal involvement that garners attention. The tragedy of the Great Recession also shifted their professional goals, forcing many into lower-than-skilled labor or part-time work to make ends meet.
11. Parenting
Many Generation X members raise Millennials and Gen Z. A parent's job requires full attention, diverting from their ambitions and reducing their visibility. As caregivers, they juggle tough work schedules with the pressures of modern-day parenting, such as being well-versed in digital spaces, educational pressure, and extracurricular requirements.
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12. Adjusting Quickly to Changes
With society's transition from the Cold War era to the digital age, Generation X could adapt well and assimilate into changes without raising much fuss. This contributed to them staying in the background. Their ability to transition seamlessly into the pre and post-internet eras means they often bridge old and new worlds.
12. Impact of Corporate Reshuffling
During the late 80s and again during the 90s, companies experienced ‘rightsizing' and reorganized their structures. This indirectly pushed Generation X into employment stability and set aside gains in terms of social influence. This focus on securing jobs made many Gen Xs opt for security over daring job transitions that may have attracted the public's attention. The fear of being laid off and job insecurity was forever looming and, therefore, did not allow much scope to fight for more rights within the workplace or for social activism, further entrenching their position as the ‘silent' generation in the business world.
14. Health Conditions
The increasing care needs of aging Boomers are favored over issues on which Generation X is nearing focusing, which has led to an insufficient focus on their health concerns. As Gen X approaches their older age, they face unique health challenges such as long-term effects of stress, which is from economic volatility and high-stress lifestyles. However, the health care system is fundamentally focused on older Boomers; Gen X often struggles to garner sufficient resources and attention to preventive and chronic care.
15. The Often Ignored Middle Child
Generation X can most easily be explained as our current generation's middle children: quiet, responsible, and conservative enough to balance yet innovation-centric and flexible enough to be adaptable. Still, their balancing act often causes them to be overlooked while louder, more showy generations flourish around them.
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