At specific points in life, people toss and turn all night and do not get sleep. We can all relate to this, but do not worry. You can incorporate some tips into your daily routine, and you will be able to get productive sleep. Let's find out those tips that could help maintain our sleep mechanism.
1. No Caffeine at Night
Most people love having coffee at night, unaware of its negative impacts on health. Although caffeine gives more focus, it still reduces sleep by 7%. Hence, you should reduce your caffeine intake late at night to get proper sleep. Moreover, any caffeine supplement should also be avoided.
2. Proper Sleep Schedule
You can't enjoy proper sleep if your sleep cycle is irregular and disturbed. Hence, it's better to set your sleep cycle according to your body's rhythmic cycle. For this, you can try waking and sleeping simultaneously for a week and see changes in your sleep quality.
3. Minimal Exposure of Light
You can't get productive sleep with open curtains or bright light. Hence, it is your sign to reduce light exposure while sleeping. Moreover, you can use a sleep mask or closed windows to set your sleep routine. It will increase the production of the melatonin hormone, hence proper sleep.
4. Avoid Long Naps
If you crave better sleep, then you must stop taking long naps during the day. These irregular and long naps could ruin your sleep schedule and make sleeping hard at night. Hence, you should take small and regular naps, such as after lunch or in the afternoon.
5. No Device at Bed
It is common to use mobile phones in bed before sleep, which disturbs the sleep mechanism and production of melatonin hormone. Hence, you should avoid using digital devices for a better sleep cycle. It is necessary to disconnect from the phones' light exposure, directly impacting brain and hormone production.
6. Daily Exercise
You might not see the direct impact of exercise on your sleep, but it indeed does. So, add daily exercise to your routine for your health and better sleep. Exercise helps regulate the body temperature, which proves helpful in getting good sleep. Moreover, try to avoid intensive exercise before going to bed.
7. No Instant Dinner
Although there should be a proper dinner routine, if you don't have one, try to avoid having dinner before sleeping, especially spicy or fast food. It could make your metabolism work, which won't make you sleep easily. Hence, eat your dinner at least hours ago so your body can digest it and sleep properly.
8. Reduce Noise
Most people have a habit of sleeping in noisy environments, which does not bring them good sleep. Therefore, you are advised to be in a room with no or little noise so your brain can be at peace. Moreover, you can also use white noise equipment or earplugs to avoid it and have a proper sleep.
9. Natural Light Exposure
Most people do not have time to enjoy natural light because of irregular sleep patterns. Hence, make it a part of your routine to have some time in the morning or evening to enjoy the natural light. It will beneficially make your body run on a healthy sleep cycle, and you can enjoy proper sleep.
10. Avoid Liquids at Night
Generally, we have a habit of having juices and liquids at night. But if you are facing sleep issues, it is better to reduce your intake of liquid items before going to bed, as it may disturb your sleep for urination. You can also use the bathroom before bed to control this and have a healthy sleep mechanism.
11. Meditation
If your mind is disturbed and your body is not getting enough sleep. It is the perfect time to add meditation to your daily life. Meditation will help achieve a soothing effect, which will impact your brain and help you sleep productively. Your brain will return to normal functioning, and you can enjoy normal sleep.
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12. Calm Bedroom
Most of the time, you do not get sleep because your bedroom creates disturbances. Hence, it is time for you to pay little attention to your bedroom and care for the ventilation, light exposure, cleanliness, and allergens. If you keep these factors in check, you will get better sleep.
13. Comfortable Bed Mattress and Pillow
You can't neglect the role of your pillow and mattress in your sleep mechanism. If the mattress is unsuitable, you can experience low back pain, which won't let you sleep. Hence, make sure to choose the perfect and comfortable pillow and mattress that fits your comfort. Moreover, you should also focus on the variety of materials.
14. Supplements
Even after a lot of effort, if you are facing issues with your sleep, you can consider supplements, too. However, they must be used after the doctors' recommendations and instructions. Moreover, melatonin supplements are most common and help you fall asleep fast. You can also consider dietary supplements, so consult your doctor.
15. No More Rest
If you are not getting sleep and continuously turning around the bed at night, you will become more restless. Hence, you should stop trying hard to sleep. Instead, leave bed and engage in some productive activity in dim light. It could be book reading, journal writing, etc. The choice is yours.
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