Founding Fathers Not Approved: 15 Modern Things That Would Send the Founders Into Deep Thought

Imagine sitting down with the Founding Fathers for a chat over tea, trying to explain the world as it is today. From the internet to space travel, the leaps in technology and society we've witnessed would surely boggle their 18th-century minds. It's a fun thought experiment to consider which modern marvels would astonish them the most. Picture Benjamin Franklin's reaction to a smartphone or Thomas Jefferson's disbelief at a jumbo jet soaring overhead.

1. The Internet and Social Media

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Imagine Benjamin Franklin, the pioneer of electricity, being introduced to the internet. The vast network that connects billions of people across the globe would seem like sorcery to him and his contemporaries. Social media platforms, where people from different continents can interact in real-time, would be utterly bewildering. The concept of having access to almost all human knowledge at one's fingertips would likely send the Founding Fathers into a state of disbelief.

2. Space Exploration

Planet Saturn with moons.
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The Founding Fathers lived in a time when the heavens were a mysterious tapestry above, the realm of gods and celestial bodies. Telling them that humanity has not only flown beyond Earth's atmosphere but also walked on the Moon and sent probes to distant planets would be staggering. The pictures of Earth from space, showing a fragile blue orb floating in the vast darkness, might provoke profound philosophical reflections on humanity's place in the universe.

3. Modern Medicine

Radiologist looking at X-ray
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In the 18th century, diseases like smallpox and yellow fever were deadly afflictions with no cure. The idea of vaccinations that can prevent these illnesses would be revolutionary to the Founding Fathers. Moreover, the advancements in surgery and antibiotics that save millions of lives annually would seem like miraculous interventions compared to the medical practices of their time.

4. Women and Minority Rights

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The societal norms of the 18th century were vastly different, with women having very limited rights and slavery being a prevalent institution. The progress made towards gender equality and civil rights would likely be shocking to them. The idea that women and individuals from minority groups can hold high office, including the presidency, would challenge their contemporary views on governance and society.

5. Digital Currency and Online Banking

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The financial system of the Founding Fathers' era was based on physical currency and face-to-face transactions. The concept of digital currency, where wealth is stored not in vaults but in electronic formats, and transactions can be made anonymously over the internet, would be difficult to grasp. Online banking, where one can manage finances from a small device in their pocket, would be another mind-bending advancement.

6. Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Robot Thinking
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The Founding Fathers were familiar with mechanical inventions and the beginnings of industrial automation. However, the idea of machines that can learn, adapt, and perform complex tasks without human intervention would seem like the realm of fantasy. Robots performing surgeries, drones delivering packages, and AI systems driving cars would be concepts far beyond their wildest imaginations.

7. Environmental Conservation

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During the time of the Founding Fathers, the American landscape was vast and seemingly inexhaustible. The modern movement towards environmental conservation and the understanding of human impact on climate change would introduce them to a completely new perspective on humanity's relationship with nature. The efforts to preserve natural habitats and the species within them would highlight a shift in how people value the natural world.

8. Globalization and Multicultural Societies

Three men hanging out laughing.
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The United States of the late 18th century was a melting pot of cultures, but the scale of modern globalization would be unfathomable to the Founding Fathers. The ease of travel and the interconnectivity of economies around the world have created multicultural societies where diverse traditions and languages coexist. The global exchange of goods, ideas, and people has created a level of cultural integration that would be astonishing to them.

9. The Evolution of Democracy

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The democratic ideals that the Founding Fathers set in motion have evolved significantly. The expansion of the franchise to all adults regardless of race, gender, or wealth would be a radical change from the limited electorate of their time. The mechanisms of modern democracy, including referendums, proportional representation, and digital voting, would represent a significant evolution from the democratic practices they instituted.

10. The Pace of Life

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Finally, the sheer pace of modern life would be overwhelming. The speed at which information travels, the rate of technological advancement, and the tempo of daily activities are all exponentially faster than in the 18th century. The constant connectivity, the hustle and bustle of city life, and the pressure to keep up with the rapid changes might just be the most disorienting aspect of all.

11. Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Autonomous Cars

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The concept of vehicles that run without the need for horses would already be a leap for the Founding Fathers, but electric vehicles would be another realm altogether. The notion of cars powered by electricity stored in batteries, needing no combustion of fuels, and capable of being recharged, would seem like science fiction. Moreover, the development of autonomous or self-driving cars that need no human intervention to navigate the streets would be utterly inconceivable to them. These advancements represent a radical departure from the transportation methods of the 18th century.

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12. Renewable Energy Sources

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The Founding Fathers lived in an age where energy was derived from wood, water, wind, and animal labor. The modern reliance on renewable energy sources like solar panels, which convert sunlight into electricity, and wind turbines, which use the wind to generate power, would be a concept difficult for them to grasp. The idea that society is moving towards energy sources that are less harmful to the environment, and are essentially inexhaustible, would be both surprising and encouraging to them.

13. Genetic Engineering and CRISPR

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The field of genetics, with the ability to modify the DNA of organisms, would be a bewildering concept to the Founding Fathers. Techniques like CRISPR, which can precisely edit genes within organisms to prevent diseases or enhance certain traits, would seem like the utmost form of alchemy. This capability to potentially cure genetic diseases, improve crop yields, and even modify organisms in ways that could benefit humanity would be both fascinating and somewhat alarming to them.

14. The Gig Economy and Remote Work

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The traditional model of employment in the Founding Fathers' time involved working at a physical location, often from sunrise to sunset. The modern gig economy, where individuals can work freelance jobs from anywhere, often setting their own schedules, would challenge their notions of labor and industry. Furthermore, the widespread acceptance of remote work, facilitated by digital technology, allowing people to perform their jobs from home or anywhere in the world, would be another concept that would take some time for them to understand.

15. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

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The development of virtual and augmented reality technologies, which create immersive digital environments or overlay digital information onto the physical world, would be nothing short of magical to the Founding Fathers. These technologies not only offer new forms of entertainment and education but also have practical applications in medicine, engineering, and art. The idea that one could put on a headset and be transported to a different place, time, or even a fantastical world would be a bewildering prospect.

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