Have you been wanting to start a blog but don’t know how? In this post, you will learn all the things to do so you can start your blog in an hour! It’s actually quite simple.
Read on my soon to be blogging friend!
There are so many EXTRA things you can do to beautify and make your blog look super cool. But for this post, you will be learning the basics of how to get started. I recommend not to get super into the “design” of your blog just yet. First things first let’s get you live so you can start creating content and start your journey!
And just so YOU know I am by no means a “technology person” “techie” or anything of the sort. This post is something I was able to create and follow.
I promise you if I can do it YOU CAN TOO!
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You are going to need to figure out a unique name that no one has already used. I really enjoy alliteration so of course, I used my name and some alliteration and *POOF* maxmymoney.org was born. Your domain is permanent so make sure you are happy with your domain name. On the other side of the fence though I encourage you to not OBSESS over having the “perfect name.” It does not exist. Get the creative juices flowing, say it out loud plenty of times and stick with it. Ask some close friends, ask me, whatever it takes. Done.
As an aside, my SEO friends say that a “.com” domain does better in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) than .org or .net. If you can find a .com that suits your fancy, buy that over the others. Click here to look at my buddy’s website for an introduction to SEO. Be ready it is a lot of GREAT and high-quality information. The long-term goal here is to rank (index) well on search engines so you can have people type in your name and your website is the first to pop up. Magic!
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Application: When I started my blog initially I used Bluehost for my domain purchase. Click on this Bluehost link now and get a blog started for as low as $3.95 per month with a FREE domain. In the beginning stages, Bluehost was plenty to get started. Make sure to use the link for this SUPER DEAL.
Step 2: Host Your Website
The next step in the process is to have hosting of your site. You need your website to be live and the way to do this is by having a service “host” your site. This company will, in essence, keep your website on the internet and alive. In the beginning, it may be tempting to call a “techie” person to help you with this but that is simply not needed! When you are just getting started and do not have a lot of page views having a “techie” or concierge service for your hosting is foolish. You don’t need a brand new Mercedes-Benz at age 16 and neither do you need super pricey and fancy hosting in the beginning.
The awesome thing about using a service like Bluehost is they make it all super streamlined. In the beginning, you’ll be using a “shared server.” Which in normal people talk does not mean much. Until you hit a certain amount of page views having a shared server is sufficient and will get the job done for you.
Bluehost is the service I recommend to use in the beginning because you can get hosting and a FREE DOMAIN for $3.95 monthly. Goodness, that is cheap.
Click here to take advantage of the SUPER DEAL from Bluehost with my link.
Mind the gap between the train and the platform.
Okay, not that kind of platform but if you’ve visited London you heard that phrase a billion times.
WordPress.org is by far the most comprehensive yet simple platform for launching, writing and having success in making money (monetizing) on your blog.
I typed “WordPress blog” on google and went to the first website that popped up. This was WordPress.com.
To my dismay, wordpress.com does not allow monetization. This post will not discuss why but know this if you would like to earn money from your blog in ANY way, shape or form you need a wordpress.org site. Period, end of story.
And again, Bluehost offers a super awesome integration with WordPress sites. And that is the 1-click WordPress installation. And believe me, coming from a non-tech person this was actually straightforward and EASY.
Step 4: Start Creating
The best time to start is RIGHT NOW. Work, get after it, start writing, hit record on your camera do whatever you need to do to get started. The longer you wait the less likely you are to take action. So, take it from a habitually hesitant person GO!!!!
Application: Act Upon Them Now
–Click here to go to Bluehost and get your FREE domain as well as your hosting for less than $5 a month. Don’t go to Starbucks tomorrow you just paid for your first month, now launch your blog.
-Start writing/recording/brainstorming right now. If you don’t have any ideas you’re in luck. Here are 120 ideas brought to you by the Blogging Queen herself Ruth Soukup. You can read more about Ruth here. She has a million subscribers so she’s a big deal in the blogging world.
The toughest part of blogging is discipline. Persevere each and every day.
Day in, day out, writing, recording, creating. You will be thankful you started your blog if you stick it out and now you can have at minimum 120 blog posts thanks to Ruth. You're welcome.
Where are you stuck? Where do you find yourself lost? Comment below and I’ll do my best to help out!
Always Moving Forward,
||| Max
How I make $11,000 per year renting out my spare rooms?
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