“Illegal Voters” Executive Order Scrutinized By This State’s Republican Secretary of State

Mississippi's Secretary of State recently sent a letter to President Biden's Department of Justice. He's concerned about an executive order that he feels is being used in the wrong way. The order, signed by Biden in 2021, was meant to fight racial discrimination and protect voting rights. However, Mississippi's Secretary of State, Michael Watson, believes it's being misused.

Ulterior Motives

In his letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, Watson expressed his concern that the order is being used to attempt to register illegal voters, such as convicts who are ineligible and illegal immigrants. He feels that this is not the job of the federal government and is an overstep into state affairs.

Watson also believes that this misuse of the executive order has led to federal agencies trying to register these ineligible individuals. He's concerned that state and local officials are being pressured to help with this effort, which he sees as inappropriate.

Changing Agreements

Watson is asking the Department of Justice to stop enforcing the executive order in this manner, as he believes it goes against its intended purpose. In his letter, he also raises concerns about how the executive order affects the U.S. Marshals Service and jails. He's worried that the order requires changes to agreements that jails have with the Marshals Service. These changes could lead to ineligible prisoners being registered to vote.

According to him, the Marshals Service is changing many agreements with jails to involve state and local governments in registering prisoners to vote, even those who shouldn't be eligible. The order also requires the Department of Justice to help with voter registration and mail voting for individuals in federal prison.

Ineligible Voters

Watson believes that this program could result in ineligible prisoners in Mississippi being registered to vote. He expressed to Fox News Digital that he doesn't think the Biden administration is carefully monitoring the voting status of these individuals.

Watson also mentions that Mississippi jails are being asked to help federal prisoners register to vote and vote by mail, but he's concerned about who they're working with to do this. He questions which organizations the Marshals Service is using for this task, as some groups have been known to give voters incorrect information. He feels it's not right for the federal government to involve partisan groups in Mississippi's voting process.

Close Monitoring

He is particularly worried about illegal immigrants in Mississippi prisons being registered to vote through this program if it's not monitored closely. He mentions that everyone in the Marshals' custody is informed of their right to register and vote, but he believes this could encourage ineligible non-citizens to register illegally.

Watson finds it surprising that the Biden administration would spend money and law enforcement resources on a program that could increase the number of ineligible and non-citizen voters on state voter rolls, especially considering the current situation at the southern border with millions of illegal immigrants entering the country.


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