10 Time Management Techniques That Get Results

Time management techniques help you be punctual and free up time for yourself. It decreases your workload and increases productivity by accomplishing the targets in an organized way. Below are mentioned are effective time management techniques to manage your daily activities.

1. Pomodoro Technique

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An entrepreneur named Francesco Cirillo gives the idea of the Pomodoro technique. It refers to dividing your targeted workload into different intervals with small breaks. For example, you can make intervals of 25 minutes work with a 5-minute break in between. After 4 to 5 intervals, you can increase your break duration and repeat the whole cycle. It will help you efficiently manage your work with great productivity.

2. The 80/20 Rule 

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This rule elaborates that 20% of our actions are responsible for 80% of our outcomes—Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian economist, bases this technique. The technique focuses on solving the main issue accountable for a mess in the entire plan. For example, you fail in a subject because you need to focus on social media. So, you must first learn to concentrate and start preparing for your subject.

3. Biological Prime Time

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In this technique, you have first to find out the day's time when your energy is at its peak. Complete the most important task of the day during this peaked energy duration. Set other activities around the prime time. You can arrange all tasks on paper and mark each tick after accomplishing them. It allows the exact utilization of the body's energy and increases the mind's productivity.

4. Parkinson's Law

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This law refers to the idea that a task will take the same time for completion that you have set for it. In other words, if you set half an hour for completing a work, it will take the same half an hour for completion. In contrast, if you select 15 minutes for the same work, you will find yourself finishing it within 15 minutes. It means you have to shorten the duration of your daily targets to manage them all efficiently.

5. Pickle Jar Theory

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To understand this theory, consider sand, pebbles, and rocks in a jar. The sand sets in the bottom of the jar, which refers to time-wasting activities you must avoid. Pebbles reside in the middle of the jar, referring to important tasks you can complete later. Stones stay at the top, referring to the important targets you must achieve now.

6. Time Blocking Method

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In this technique, you must make multiple blocks of your daily time. For example, you can divide your day into half an hour blocks. Then, assign each block with a task. You can make a column on a paper to follow this time management method. Arrange your divided time blocks in it and mark each of them tick after completing the specific task.

7. Eat That Frog Technique

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‘Eat That Frog' means completing the most laborious task at the beginning of the day. List all the activities on a page with the arduous one at the top. Complete all of them individually, leaving only the effortless tasks at the end. This method allows you to accomplish the most challenging targets efficiently with your energetic mind at the beginning.

8. Rapid Planning Method

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It is a way of managing tasks by motivating yourself. In the Rapid Planning Method, you have to make three columns, namely, task, result, and purpose, on a paper. Organize your plan for why you are doing the specific task and its outcome. It will boost your energy and enable you to complete the daily work on time.

9. Getting Things Done Method

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It is the best time management technique for people focusing on a single work at a time. Just take a paper and write all the important tasks you must complete daily. Now, look at the paper and decide what task can be done right now. Complete that targeted task. Then, focus on your next required task and go for it immediately. As a result, you will finish all your daily targets at the end of the day.

10. Eisenhower Matrix

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The Eisenhower Matrix is another time management technique. It depicts the division of the daily tasks into four parts. Firstly, urgent and important tasks, such as a committed office meeting, should be done first. Secondly, tasks that are not urgent but important, such as gym, should be organized later in your daily schedule. Next, urgent but unimportant tasks, such as fixing appointments, should be assigned to someone else. The last one is the tasks that are neither urgent nor important and should be deleted from your daily routine.

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