The Quest Within: 10 Steps to Finding Your Life’s Purpose

According to a study by the US workforce, only 13% of individuals are actually passionate about their work. And the remaining ones are just living through it to support themselves financially. But a life without a passion that sparks your creativity and gives you true happiness is not worth it at all. So, if you've also decided to hunt your passion and follow your genuine interests, here's a step-by-step guide to follow: 

1. Create a Vision Statement

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Before doing anything practically, you must first have a clear vision to work on. It should encompass everything you desire to achieve in your life, both professionally and personally. The statement will then act as your guide in making crucial decisions at every stage so they always align with your long-term goals. 

2. List Down Things You Love To Do

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It's important first to recognize yourself before you finally find a passion. One element of doing so includes jotting down things that make you genuinely happy. And it shouldn't be limited to just 2-3 aspects; instead, write down literally everything that brings a smile to your face and contentment to your heart. 

3. Get New Knowledge

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You can read books, watch documentaries, or listen to podcasts to explore how others are following their passion. This approach will help you broaden your horizons as you can see things from a fresh perspective. Besides literature and media, you can even invite and exchange ideas with those people whose work or way of living interests you in real life. 

4. Take a Career Test

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A science-backed career test can give you a solid direction regarding which profession will suit your personality the best. You need to answer a few questions regarding your interests, and it will display the best match. Of course, there's no need to rely on it completely. You must also evaluate your personal opinions and other elements when making a decision. 

5. Do Journaling

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Journaling is an ideal way to track your personal growth and progress. And it also helps you stay motivated and trust the process. Moreover, you can pour your heart out about things you're passionate about in a journal without any fear of getting judged, as is the case with human-to-human talk. 

6. Perform Mindfulness

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While planning for a fulfilling future is essential, mindfulness teaches you to embrace the current moment. This practice can play a profound role in allowing your true desires and feelings to rise into your conscious mind. Additionally, it's a great way to kick off overthinking from your life. 

7. Explore New Opportunities

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It takes a lot of effort to step out of your comfort zone, but in the long term, the decision would be worth it. Following a monotonous routine means protecting your brain from new challenges, which may limit your creativity. Thus, to ignite your passion, make sure to try out new things every now and then. This may include eating at a new restaurant or changing your morning routine. 

8. Be Patient

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You must have heard of the famous quote ‘all things come to those who wait”. Basically, that should be your motto when finding your passion. Do not speed up things to get results. It's important to understand that when you're on a journey to find answers to big questions, it might be time-consuming and require a lot of energy. 

9. Accept It Might Not Be Profitable

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What you do for your passion doesn't have to be a money–generating thing at all. While everyone wants to earn doing things they love, it's not always possible. So don't try to go towards that route. Instead, reframe your perspective that following your passion helps you find meaning in life, and it's something that truly gives you inner happiness. 

10. Consult a Coach

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If, despite doing everything, you're struggling to find a solid direction toward your passions, it's time to get professional help. For example, if you can't decide on which career to choose, a career coach can help you select one by addressing your passions regarding work. In addition, they'd be there to support you and listen to you without any judgment.

10 Celebrities That Are Distractingly Attractive

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In the realm of celebrities, certain individuals' attractiveness transcends the screen, captivating the hearts and minds of fans worldwide. These stars possess a magnetic presence, leaving a lasting impression with their striking looks and undeniable charm. Recently, people shared such celebrities on an online platform whose sheer attractiveness is nothing short of distracting. 

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