10 Brands That Abandoned Their Core Audience and Paid the Price

The devolutions in the brand must have led you to quit using some of your favorite brands. It doesn't happen just to you. Many brands were of core importance for the audience and customers in history but have lost all their loyalty. The top of these brands and their details are mentioned below.

1. History Channel

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People have found the transformation of the History Channel the worst devolution of their lives. One commenter expressed that there was a time when the History Channel used to show solid documentaries, but it's all vanished now. Another contributor shared that as a history lover, he never missed the streaming on the History Channel, but now it has been about a decade since he had not glanced at that channel.

2. Cracked.com

Woman Giving Confused Shrug
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Due to its web show, ‘Hate By Numbers,' Cracked.com once remained everyone's favorite. But after years, the audience found it destructive. Somebody shared on an online platform that charged what the market could bear is one of the worst devastating business ideologies. He further described that the writer was trying to bend a stick by putting it under more and more pressure and assuming that the stick was still technically intact.

3. Etsy

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It is an American company based on handmade and craft products. According to a person, Etsy was one of the best places for buying and selling handcrafted items. But now it has become the shady Amazon with worse shipping. Another individual expressed that he used to love Etsy. Once, he bought a handmade set of dice declared as made in the US, but this set had a tracking number from China. 

4. StumbleUpon

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Audiences found StumbleUpon a good website for browsing random internet pages for hours of fun. But, according to a respondent, this small website has converted into a weird site which he could understand what it was about. He was quite sure that nobody was free to waste time on that website. Another commenter shared that StumbleUpon was a fine source of entertainment and knowledge; he wanted a new version of that website.

5. Photobucket

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It is an American image and video hosting website and an online community. Its users described a time when everyone was fond of it. At that time, Photobucket was used to host images for free. But then it started demanding a monthly payment. This act made all of the users unhappy with Photobucket. He further mentioned that he was still getting a few emails from this site with a warning that all his photos would be deleted, but he never went back.

6. YikYak

Woman holding phone rolling eyes
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

YikYak is a social media platform launched for smartphones to allow people to communicate anonymously from different areas. Users loved to use this application. But then came a turning point, when it demanded users to make their proper profiles. A respondent explained that everyone quit using YikYak when it demanded a profile. 

7. Nestlé

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A Swiss-based company, Nestlé offers food and drinks to consumers worldwide. But now it is making its customers repulsive of its products. An individual described that Nestlé sold out an infant formula in Africa by saying that it was nutritious for the infants. But that was nothing but the way to prevent the infants from getting the natural and nutritious diet from the mothers.

8. RadioShack

Radio Shack
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

RadioShack is an electronic retailing company founded in 1912 in America. According to the customers, the company had some value when selling electronics, small gadgets, and interesting technical bobbles. But then RadioShack took a turn and started selling expensive cell phone plans and batteries to some other audience. He further explained that its old employees were well aware of the technologies, but new employees were totally dumb about their duties.

9. Sci-Fi Channel

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There was a time when the audience always got time from their busy routine to watch the Sci-Fi channel. But, then, it lost its worth as time passed because of the change in the content this channel showed. One of the audience shared he used to find this channel regularly, but then he failed to find something like science and fiction on the channel. 

10. Quora

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Quora is a social questions-answer site and online knowledge market. The intelligent group of the society used to have excellent discussions there. A respondent shared that he always found Quira an exciting site, but then it became monetized, which resulted in a loss of its worth. Another person expressed that besides monetization, the website had become difficult to navigate.

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