10 Things Kids Keep From Mom

Parents always want to know what's going on in their children's lives, but sometimes kids have secrets they keep to themselves. Recently on an online platform, people have revealed surprising things they would never tell their parents.

1. Juicy Confession: Sibling Rivalry in Action

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One person who took responsibility for supergluing the refrigerator shut shared a juicy confession. But instead of owning up to their actions, they pointed the finger at their innocent brother. Talk about sibling rivalry!

2. Confession of a Secret Bourbon Switcheroo

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Another user finally came clean about a secret they'd been hiding from their parents for years. When they were just 15 years old, they swapped the contents of a priceless bottle of bourbon with a cheaper alternative, unbeknownst to their parents. Fast forward to the present day, and they still have 23 years until their parents' 50th anniversary to come clean and confess to their misdeed.

3. Heart-Wrenching Confession: Euthanizing Beloved Pet in Secret

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In a heart-wrenching confession, someone admitted to secretly euthanizing their beloved cat Milo while their parents were in Hawaii. Milo suffered immensely and could no longer eat, drink, or move. Despite their parents' objections to putting down a pet, the user made the difficult decision to end Milo's pain, keeping the secret from their parents ever since.

4. Hilarious and Resourceful: Toilet Paper Mishap Confession

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A savvy user made a hilarious yet relatable confession about the time they accidentally dropped a full roll of toilet paper into the bowl while trying to replace it. Instead of owning up to their mistake and wasting an entire roll, they hid it in their closet and used it bit by bit, piece by piece, until the roll was gone. Talk about resourceful!

5. The Real Reason Behind the Sweatshirt Change

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The truth finally came out when the commenter revealed the real reason why they changed their sweatshirt during a family outing with their high school girlfriend. It wasn't because of any request from the girlfriend but rather to avoid an embarrassing stain from a steamy encounter the night before. Oops, Dad got it all wrong!

6. Cover-up Confession: Cracked Chessboard

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A childhood accident led to a sneaky cover-up for one user and their sister, who had accidentally cracked their dad's beloved chess board. The frantic duo stashed the pieces in a neighbor's garbage can, hoping to avoid punishment. But despite their efforts, their dad was devastated and still thinks he has lost the board.

7. Family Secret Uncovered: Mother's First Marriage

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The commenter and their sister made a shocking discovery while going through their mom's old high school yearbook. Almost everyone had written a congratulatory message saying, “You and X are perfect together!” The problem was they had never heard their mother mention X before. After digging, they found out that their mother had married X right after high school, divorced him, and then married their father. Talk about a family secret!

8. From Alternative Lifestyle to Fiancée: A Jaw-dropping Secret

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When it comes to secrets, this user has quite a jaw-dropper. After getting engaged, their devoutly Catholic mother whispered a question that surprised them. Little did she know that the user had spent three years as a semi-famous alternative lifestyle woman before that proposal. It's a secret that will never see the light of day.

9. Life-changing Discovery: A Secret Abortion

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Somebody stumbled upon a life-changing discovery while snooping around their mom's journal. They found out that their mother had an abortion before getting pregnant with them, a fact that they kept to themselves. Despite the shock, the user is grateful for the gift of life, thanks to their parent's decision to have a second child.

10. Late-night Rebel Confession: Sneaking Into Sibling's Room

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Move over, stealthy ninja! This person felt just as sneaky when they snuck into their sister's bedroom after bedtime to play Game Boy. It was a secret they enjoyed keeping all to themselves, feeling like a rule-breaking rebel with every late-night gaming session.

10 Celebrities That Are Distractingly Attractive

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In the realm of celebrities, certain individuals' attractiveness transcends the screen, captivating the hearts and minds of fans worldwide. These stars possess a magnetic presence, leaving a lasting impression with their striking looks and undeniable charm. Recently, people shared such celebrities on an online platform whose sheer attractiveness is nothing short of distracting. 

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10 Surprising Movie Characters That Could Never Be Replaced With a New Actor

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Sometimes a show or movie is different with the actors playing the characters. Would we love their characters as much if they were played by someone else? See who people claim could never be replaced in their iconic roles with another.

10 Terrible Movies People Love, But Admit Are Horrible

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Movies are subjective, and what one person considers a cinematic masterpiece, another may view as a cringe-worthy disaster. However, some films have gained a reputation for being particularly terrible yet still manage to capture the hearts of audiences. These are the guilty pleasure movies that people love to hate but can't help but watch again and again.

10 Terrible Things That Automatically Ruin Good Movies

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Lights, camera, action! Movies are the ultimate adventure, taking us on a journey to fantastical lands, introducing us to characters out of this world, and stirring emotions within us. However, not all movies are created equal, and certain things can instantly ruin a movie for some viewers. Recently, in a platform discussion, people shared several things that can automatically ruin movies.

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