Buying something new and expensive sometimes seems out of the budget. If you are facing the same issue, then this article will prove helpful for you. Here are the ten ways to explain how you can use customer service tools to upcycle or convert old things into more appealing and budget-friendly equipment.
1. New Table and Chairs
In case tables and chairs are broken, you need not worry about it. Someone has shared how he converted the broken chairs into new ones using innovative techniques. He sandpapered and glued the broken parts. Then, he painted every part with chalk. After that, for the final finish, he waxed them. Finally, using old wooden blankets, he upholstered these chairs.
2. Legos Minifigure Head Earrings
You can make jewelry from old leftovers. Here comes the story unraveled by the mother. She has some leftover miscellaneous pieces of Legos, which are of no use as her son was too old. So, she decided to convert it into something valuable. Using her creativity into play, she simply drilled the hole in the top, slid a wire into it, and converted it into minifigure head earrings.
3. Gorgeous Homemade Candles
Throwing cups and mugs when they become old or chipped is not a wise choice. You should know this ninja technique that is suggested by an individual. He never throws out cups. He explained to use wax, wicks, and some paint colors. Melt some wax and then pour it into the cup. After that, place the wick in the center of the cup. Finally, he designed that cup according to his crafting skills, and then he lit it and enjoyed his hand-made candle.
4. Guitar Picks
There is a DIY technique to make a guitar kit for yourself. A guitarist mentions how he was constantly losing his guitar picks and couldn't stand to replace them. So, he advised me to use old credit cards to convert them into guitar picks. He used the permanent marker to trace the shape and then cut it down with scissors. To smooth out the edges of the pick, he used an Emory board or a scrap of fine sandpaper.
5. Upcycling Old Clothing
Making new clothing designs from old ones seems beneficial as well as interesting. A housewife shared that using dyes and old clothes, she has made many useful things. From old sweaters, she had made warm baby paints, little sweaters, and little beanies. Using old sweaters and tea shirts, she has made pillows and quilts. Last but not least, she has used old sweaters for upholstering chair seats.
6. Mini Plastic Bottle Planting
If you are a garden lover, then using small techniques, you can simply convert your home into a beautiful garden. One of the techniques shared by the gardener who used a plastic bottle to grow seedlings. He cut the plastic bottle into two halves. One half is used as a water reservoir, and the other half is upside down and filled with potting soil to plant seedlings and herbs. Then, he placed it in the sunlight to get an eco-friendly garden.
7. Material Fabric
Using fabric to wrap a gift seems unique or strange! But it is the eco-friendly and more economical way. One of these unique ideas is suggested by a commentator who usually uses beautiful fabrics to gift wrap for his friends. And the amazing part is that her friends like this distinctive approach. An incredible aspect is that you don't need to buy expensive gift wraps. In addition, the recipient of the gift can use the fabric gift wrap for other useful purposes.
8. Spring Birdcage
You should go for some DIY techniques to craft a birdcage for your birds. Here is an amazing tip elaborated by an individual. He explained how he used wooden or wire coat hangers to design a unique birdcage. He simply bent the hangers accordingly and then painted them with multiple colors to make an awe look. This is considered to be an eco-friendly way to show your creativity.
9. Old Pallets To Useful Walled Garden
An individual recalls that on his way for a dog walk, he found an old pallet. At first, he ignored it, but then an idea popped into his mind to convert this palette into useful various outdoor items like sofas, beds, and bars. He finally decided to use these old pallets to make a stenciled walled garden. This proves to be an effective method to only save money but also unleash your creativity.
10. Princess Castle
Sometimes, your child insists on buying a princess castle, but you are short of budget. Then, no need to worry about it. A mother writes about his creativity and how she made a princess castle for her daughter using cardboard canisters, toilet paper, painting colors, and a small box. Using these household items, she blows out creative magic to unfold a beautiful DIY house.
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