10 Unsolved Mysteries That’ll Give You the Creeps

Mysterious and unsolved stories of crime from history are the more popular. Some of these tales are creepy, frightening, and strangely interesting. Such death stories can leave anyone in shock for hours and give chills while reading the facts about them. Some popular stories of this type of crime are here.

1. Cleveland Torso Murders

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A man shared online the mysterious story of this case from 1935-1938 when a serial killer dismembered and disposed of their remains in the Kingsbury Run neighborhood. The area where this disposal happened was named ‘hobo jungle.’ The cause of death is mysterious, and the whole procedure of killing these thirteen people is frightening.

2. Disappearance of Asha Degree

Worried Man with Child in background
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A popular case from the past. An American man shared the mysterious case of Asha when she walked out of her home at night with her book bag. In 2000, she was nine years old when she left home, and as of now, her parents still await her and hope that she will come back one day. The cause of her disappearance is still mysterious, and the case is still open. The disappearance of a family member and seeing their belongings daily give hope and frightening sense at the same time.

3. Dutch Students’ Deaths

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In 2014, two students went on a hike to Panama and never came back. After a few weeks, the family found their belongings in a backpack, and after two months, the shocking news came of their death. A person said it was the most dreadful story he had heard. Police found the bones of these two girls from the forest. Both of them lost their lives, and the cause of this incident remains mysterious today.

4. Kathy Hobbs

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In 1987, Kathy Hobbs’s case came to light when her mother told her that she left home and didn’t come back after a few days. Nine days later, a hiker found her body near Lake Mead. The cause of death and the murderer remained unidentified at that time. A man shared his grief and what the family of Kathy would have felt and gone through. The prime suspect was a serial killer, but he wasn’t sentenced for Kathy’s death.

5. Dian Harlin

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A man shared about the scary case of Dian. In 1982, the body of Dian was found dead. Her throat was wrapped with a dog leash, and her husband, Hugh, was suspected, but police never found anything that could prove him to be a murderer. In 1986, Hugh’s truck was found abandoned with keys in it. Some believe that he was kidnapped and killed by the same unknown person who killed Dian. The whole case is still unsolved and mysterious.

6. Susan Powell

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Disappearances are the most mysterious cases when it comes to crime stories. Families and loved ones are left mysterious, wondering how their family members would be. The same is the case for Susan. When she disappeared in 2009. The creepy thing about his case is that her husband pressured his sins with a hatchet and killed them. After that, he set the house on fire and killed himself, too. The body of Susan was never found, and the whole case is so scary that a man shared that whenever he reads the story of Susan and her family, it gives him chills.

7. Flight MH370

Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200
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In 2014, 239 passengers, along with the crew members on a Malaysian Airlines flight, disappeared. A man shared that the reports show that the plane actually disappeared. After nine years, there’s no trace of where did they go or where are the remains of that plane.

8. The Brabant Crime Spree 

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A man shared a scary case where Brabant killers, who were also known as the Nivel Gang, killed eight people in 1985. This gang was responsible for several other violent attacks. In 1982, they attacked in the Belgian province of Brabant. However, the details were mysterious and remained unsolved.

9. Cindy James Murder 

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 It was a case of a 44-year-old nurse who reported harassment through calls and notes. After some time, she was found dead. There were several signs of abuse before and after the killing. A person shared that poor Cindy couldn’t get justice as police ruled this case as suicide even though they found the signs of a murder. However, the whole case is still unsolved and frightening for everyone.

10. Son of Sam’s Possible Cult Connection

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A person shared the published details of this case online when David, ‘the son of Sam,’ accepted his series of crimes and serial killings. The mystery in this is that there are more people involved in this case who should be held. Some have questions about the way the investigation happened and accuse him of involvement in the Satanic cult.

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