Stop Being Fake: 15 Rules of Girl Code Everyone Should Follow

Navigating the world of female friendships can sometimes feel like moving through an intricate dance, one where the steps are known yet never explicitly taught. At the heart of these relationships lies the “girl code,” a set of unwritten rules that acts as the glue holding friendships together. Though these rules rarely make it onto paper, they are universally understood and deeply felt among women everywhere. From standing up for each other in absentia to sharing the last piece of dessert, girl code encompasses a range of actions and decisions that strengthen bonds and foster trust.

1. Always Stick Together in Public Places

Three women walking across a bridge at a park.
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When out in public places like clubs, bars, or any large gatherings, the unwritten girl code dictates that friends should stick together. This rule is born out of concern for each other's safety and the comfort of knowing someone has your back in unfamiliar or crowded environments. It's not just about safety; it’s also about solidarity. Whether it’s making sure everyone gets home safely or navigating through a crowded space, sticking together is a paramount rule that silently strengthens the bonds of friendship.

2. Respect the Ex-Relationship Boundary

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One of the most respected yet unspoken rules of girl code involves not dating a friend's ex without explicit permission. This unwritten rule acknowledges the complexity of emotions and the potential awkwardness that can arise from such situations. It's about respecting past relationships and the feelings involved, understanding that certain areas of our friends' lives hold deep emotional significance. This rule helps maintain harmony within a friend group and honors the shared history and experiences.

3. Be the Emergency Contact in Dating Situations

Bored couple having unsuccessful date in cafe.
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Whenever a friend is going on a date, especially if it's with someone new, being available as an emergency contact is a crucial part of girl code. This means being ready to send a rescue text or call if the date goes south, or simply checking in to ensure everything is going well. It's a practice that underscores the importance of safety and support in the dating world. This silent agreement enhances the sense of security and camaraderie among friends.

4. Offer Genuine Compliments

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The girl code emphasizes the importance of uplifting each other through genuine compliments. In a world where women often face undue criticism and comparison, celebrating each other's achievements, looks, or talents becomes a powerful act of solidarity. This rule is about more than just surface-level praise; it’s about recognizing and affirming the value in one another, fostering a positive and supportive environment where everyone can thrive.

5. Keep Secrets Sacred

People Partying
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Confiding in a friend is a gesture of trust, and girl code dictates that these secrets are to be kept sacred. Whether it’s a trivial secret or something deeply personal, the expectation is that these confidences are not to be shared. This rule cements the foundations of trust and discretion in friendships, ensuring that everyone feels secure in sharing their thoughts and experiences without fear of judgment or betrayal.

6. Provide Support During Tough Times

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An unwritten rule of paramount importance is the obligation to provide support during tough times. Whether it's a breakup, family issues, or personal challenges, being there for each other is a fundamental expectation. This support can manifest in various forms, from offering a shoulder to cry on to engaging in distractions to help a friend cope. It's about being present and empathetic, showing that no one has to face their troubles alone.

7. Avoid Judgment and Offer Understanding

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Girl code encourages an environment where friends strive to understand rather than judge each other's decisions. This includes being open-minded and supportive, even when we might have chosen a different path ourselves. It’s about acknowledging that everyone has their own battles and learning experiences. This principle helps maintain a judgment-free zone where individuals feel valued and understood, fostering deeper connections and mutual respect.

8. Celebrate Each Other’s Successes

Two woman shopping while wearing sunglasses
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In the spirit of solidarity, celebrating each other's successes is a fundamental aspect of girl code. Whether it’s a promotion at work, achieving a personal goal, or any other accomplishment, showing genuine happiness and pride for your friends is crucial. It’s a reminder that one person's success is a victory for the group, reinforcing the idea that we all rise by lifting others.

9. Defend Each Other in Absence

Beautiful young women applying sheet facial masks in bathroom
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When a friend isn't present to defend herself, it's an unwritten rule of girl code to stand up for her. This might involve correcting misconceptions, stopping gossip in its tracks, or simply speaking highly of her. The essence of this rule lies in the belief that friendship extends beyond physical presence, ensuring that respect and loyalty persist even when someone isn't around to see it. This practice solidifies trust and reinforces the idea that friends have each other's backs, no matter the circumstances.

10. Share the Last Bite or Sip

Women at restaurant.
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Whether it's the last piece of chocolate or the final sip of a favorite drink, an unspoken rule of girl code is offering to share it with friends. This small gesture of generosity symbolizes the deep bond and willingness to sacrifice for each other's happiness. It’s about valuing the moment and the company over the material pleasure of the last bite. Such acts of kindness are the threads that weave closer friendships, demonstrating that even in small matters, the well-being of friends takes precedence.

11. Help Each Other Make Informed Choices

Therapy Session
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Girl code dictates the importance of helping friends make informed choices, especially in matters they are uncertain about. This could involve giving honest advice on relationships, career decisions, or personal dilemmas. The aim is to provide a perspective that prioritizes their best interest, even if it requires hard truths. It’s about being a sounding board and a guide, offering wisdom without imposing one's will, thereby empowering friends to make decisions that truly benefit them.

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12. Step In as a Wingwoman When Needed

Woman bored as she listens to friend talk.
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Playing the role of wingwoman is a cherished aspect of girl code. This involves helping a friend catch the eye of someone they're interested in, whether through conversation starters, subtle introductions, or just by boosting their friend's confidence. Being a good wingwoman is about balancing support with discretion, ensuring that the friend feels empowered and comfortable throughout the interaction. It’s a role that underscores the playful and supportive nature of friendships, emphasizing the joy in seeing friends happy and confident.

13. Maintain Honesty with Tactfulness

Upset friends.
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Honesty is a cornerstone of girl code, especially when a friend needs an opinion on sensitive matters like outfits, relationships, or life choices. However, it’s crucial that this honesty is delivered with kindness and consideration for the friend's feelings. The goal is to provide constructive feedback that helps rather than hurts, ensuring that the truth is communicated in a way that’s both helpful and compassionate. This balance between honesty and tactfulness helps preserve the integrity of the friendship while fostering an environment where friends can grow and improve.

14. Ensure Everyone’s Included

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Inclusivity is a vital part of girl code, making sure no one feels left out, whether in conversations, outings, or group decisions. It’s about being mindful of everyone’s feelings and making an effort to ensure that all friends feel valued and part of the group. This rule goes beyond mere politeness; it’s a commitment to fostering a sense of belonging and community among friends. By actively including everyone, friendships are deepened, and a supportive, inclusive culture is nurtured.

15. Act as a Confidante During Shopping Trips

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Shopping trips under girl code transform into sessions of honest feedback, laughter, and bonding. It's understood that friends should offer their sincere opinions on potential purchases, helping each other make choices that are flattering and worthwhile. These outings are about more than just shopping; they're opportunities to support and uplift each other, making the experience a shared adventure. Acting as a confidante during these trips reinforces the trust and joy found in friendship.

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