10 Shallow Deal Breakers in Relationships

In relationships, people often have deal breakers that can end things before they even begin. While some may be more understandable than others, others are downright shallow. Recently, people have shared some of the shallow deal breakers they have regarding relationships on an online platform.

1. Offbeat Clapping at Concerts

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A love-struck attendee was caught off-guard at a recent concert when they noticed their significant other clapping offbeat to the music. Despite seeming like a minor issue, this caused a ripple effect that ultimately led to the end of their relationship. Their once-unwavering attraction for their partner was shattered, leaving them with a newfound perspective on what truly mattered in a romantic connection.

2. Voice Inflections and Intelligence

Attractive young girl student studying at the college library
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There's no denying that we all have our quirks when it comes to attraction, but for one person, the tone and inflection of a potential partner's voice can make or break a relationship. Their dealbreaker is a constant questioning tone, which they perceive as a lack of intelligence. Even partners who are intellectually superior in every other way have fallen short of this stringent standard, leading to the end of previous relationships.

3. Mundane Tasks and Expectations

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Regarding relationships, few things are more frustrating than a partner constantly reminding you of past favors. For one person, this issue is more than just an annoyance – it's a dealbreaker. The simple phrase “you owe me” can send them into a spiral of irritation and frustration, leading to the end of a relationship if the behavior persists.

4. Chapped Lips Deal Breaker

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Some people have a hard and fast rule when it comes to dating – chapped lips are an absolute no-no. For them, it's not just about appearances; it reflects someone's overall hygiene and self-care. They believe a potential partner's lips should be soft and supple, not dry and scabbed. So, to impress them, remember to keep your lips well-moisturized!

5. Slow Walkers Stress Me Out

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We all have our quirks when it comes to dating; for one person, slow walkers are a total turn-off. Whether it's a conscious choice or a physical limitation, this user finds keeping pace with someone who doesn't move at their speed incredibly frustrating. It's not about being in a rush – it's about feeling like they're on the same wavelength as their partner. So, if you're planning a date with this person, you should lace up your sneakers and get ready to step up the pace!

6. Bad Tooth-To-Gum Ratio

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A smile can be a powerful tool for attraction; for this individual, it's a make-or-break deal in a relationship. They recently shared their thoughts on a bad tooth-to-gum ratio when smiling or laughing and how it can be a major turn-off. Excessive gums during a smile can make them feel awkward and unappealing, and they believe it can impact a person's overall attractiveness. So, if you want to impress this person, keep those pearly whites in check!

7. Chin Dimples Unattractive

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It is said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but for one individual, a chin dimple is a deal breaker when it comes to dating. Despite being set up with someone described as amazing by their best friend, this user quickly noticed the chin dimple in the potential partner's photo. While others might not see it as an issue, for this person, it's a superficial deal breaker that could stand in the way of a meaningful relationship.

8. Incompetent Drivers

ultimate international travel checklist
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Driving is a crucial life skill, and for these individuals, it's a critical factor in their romantic relationships. They recently shared that a partner's incompetence behind the wheel is an absolute deal breaker for them. From basic tasks like parking to merging onto a highway, they cannot stand to watch a clueless driver on the road. So, if you want to impress this person, ensure your driving skills are up to par!

9. Texting and Poor Spelling

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During college, a guy went on a date with a girl he found attractive, whom his friend introduced him to. They watched a movie and had dinner; he even held her hand while walking home. However, her response to his post-date text was the deal breaker. She replied in text-speak, “mE to0, I rEaLy hAd a greAt tym. I HoPe 2 zseeU zOon. XOxo.” He never saw her again and regretted going out with her in the first place.

10. Open Mouth Eating Turn-off

Young beautiful woman with slice of pepperoni pizza screaming laughing on dark pink background
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The final commenter confessed that a girl who eats with her mouth open is one of their superficial deal breakers in a relationship. They find it challenging to look at or listen to someone who chews their food with their mouth open and consider it an instant turn-off and a significant distraction during meals. While acknowledging that it may seem insignificant to some, it's something they cannot overlook.

11. Testing Trust: Relationship Non-negotiables

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The trust and loyalty of a potential partner are non-negotiable for many, including one individual who recently called it quits with their significant other. The reason? The partner had attempted to test their faithfulness, causing feelings of offense and disbelief. The individual was not one to play mind games with emotions and immediately ended the relationship, believing that such behavior was completely unnecessary.

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12. Height Matters: Physical Preferences in Dating

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For one avid dater, height is more than just a physical attribute – it's a requirement. This dating enthusiast confesses that they have a strict preference for men who are taller than their 5'3″ frame, and they do not apologize for it. While they acknowledge that this may seem shallow, they stand by their decision and refuse to compromise on what they believe to be an important aspect of a potential partner.

13. Appearance Dealbreaker: “Bingo Wings”

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Sometimes, physical appearance can be a make or break factor in relationships, as one beauty-conscious individual recently discovered. Despite their partner's positive qualities, this person ended a six-month relationship due to the appearance of loose skin on their partner's arms or “bingo wings.” They couldn't get past this aspect of their partner's appearance, leading them to believe it was a dealbreaker.

14. Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness: Messy Eating

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They say that “cleanliness is next to godliness,” and for one hygiene-conscious individual, this sentiment also extends to relationships. According to this person, a major dealbreaker is when their partner is a messy eater. They recently experienced this first-hand when a date's pizza grease-covered mouth left them feeling completely turned off. Poor eating habits reflect overall hygiene and self-care for this individual, making it a non-negotiable in any relationship.

15. Humor Dealbreaker: Too Much Sarcasm

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A sense of humor is often seen as an attractive quality in potential partners, but for one woman with a quick wit, there's a limit to the amount of sarcasm she can handle. While she enjoys a good laugh as much as the next person, she believes there's a time and a place for humor. When guys are overly sarcastic and can't seem to have a serious conversation, it becomes a shallow dealbreaker for her, causing her to lose interest in pursuing a relationship.

16. Intellectual Compatibility: Not Valuing Knowledge

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For a knowledge-seeker, intelligence, and curiosity are essential qualities in a potential partner. That's why they find it difficult to date a woman who takes pride in not reading. To this person, it's not about the quantity of reading but the mindset of not valuing knowledge and learning new things. They believe that an intellectual slacker who refuses to read limits their growth and potential, making it a non-negotiable dealbreaker.

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17. Horoscope Turnoff: Stars Aligning

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For one skeptic, beliefs in horoscopes are a major turnoff in potential partners. They recall a few instances where guys have asked them what their sign is, leading them to lose interest immediately. According to this person, belief in horoscopes is a dealbreaker that signals a lack of alignment with their own values and beliefs.

18. Flat Intonation: Speak Up

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As a language enthusiast, the rhythm and intonation of speech are critical components of communication. This person has difficulty continuing a relationship with someone with a flat or inappropriate intonation while speaking. They find themselves quickly irritated if the conversational rhythm doesn't please their ear, making it a shallow but essential dealbreaker.

19. Language Role: One-word Dealbreaker

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It's often the smallest things that can make or break a potential relationship, as one person learned during a coffee shop date. The suitor was completely turned off when the girl casually added “le” into her sentence, leading them to question her whole level of maturity. While it may seem shallow to some, this one word was enough to become a dealbreaker in their eyes.

20. Aesthetic Preferences in Dating: Face Value

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Aesthetics play a major role in attraction, and for one beauty seeker, the face is a non-negotiable factor in potential partners. This person has a very strict standard regarding looks and admits that without an aesthetically pleasing face, they cannot find themselves interested in the person. A great smile is also a must-have for this individual, making it a shallow dealbreaker that may shut down any potential for a relationship.

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