10 Hygiene Habits You Need to Stop Skipping

Maintaining proper hygiene is essential for our overall health and well-being. While we all know the basics of washing our hands and brushing our teeth, some hygiene tips often need to be noticed. Now we will take a look at some of the hygiene tips that more people should know about, as shared by various individuals online. From cleaning your hairbrush to washing behind your ears, these tips will help you stay clean and healthy.

1. Clean Hairbrush, Happy Scalp

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Want to avoid scalp irritation and infections? Remember to clean your hairbrush regularly, especially if you have oily hair or scalp. A beauty enthusiast suggests removing any hair from the bristles with a comb and then soaking the brush in warm water with shampoo or vinegar for about 20 minutes. Rinse it with warm water and leave it to air dry for a fresh and clean brush.

2. Clear Vision, Clear Skin

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Are you tired of skin irritation and acne breakouts from your glasses? A beauty blogger recommends cleaning the lenses, frames, and nose pads, as these areas can accumulate dirt, oil, and bacteria. A gentle soap or lens cleaner and a soft cloth can thoroughly clean all areas of your glasses for clear and blemish-free vision.

3. Eco-Friendly Bottles Need Cleaning

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Refillable water bottles are eco-friendly but can also be a breeding ground for bacteria buildup. To ensure safe and healthy hydration, washing your bottle regularly is crucial. An eco-conscious user emphasizes the importance of keeping your bottle clean and sanitized to avoid any harmful health consequences.

4. Don't Let Pillowcases Give You Acne

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Did you know pillowcases can accumulate oils, sweat, and bacteria that can cause skin irritation and acne? That's why it's essential to wash them regularly. A cleaning enthusiast recommends washing them at least once a week if not more frequently, to keep them fresh and clean. It's also a good idea to replace old pillows every few years for optimal hygiene.

5. Cologne Is Not a Shower Substitute

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Don't be fooled into thinking that perfume or cologne can replace regular showering or using deodorant. While it can cover up body odor, it doesn't eliminate the bacteria that cause the smell. Good hygiene practices, including regular deodorant or antiperspirant use, are necessary to keep you smelling fresh and clean.

6. Germ-Free Gadgets

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Did you know your phone could harbor more germs and bacteria than a public restroom? Yuck! The thought of flaunting a phone covered in grime is enough to make anyone cringe. But fear not, tech-savvy friend! It's crucial to make cleaning and disinfecting our phones a regular habit of stopping those pesky germs and bacteria from spreading and making us sick. So, let's all do our part to keep our phones clean and ourselves healthy!

7. Don't Overlook Cleaning These Areas

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During your daily hygiene routine, don't overlook areas like behind your ears and inside your belly button. These areas can harbor sweat, dirt, and bacteria that can cause unpleasant odors and even infections. It's essential to clean them thoroughly with soap and water during your shower or bath time.

8. Good Hygiene Is for Everyone

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Did you know that if you can smell yourself, others likely have noticed the odor days ago? A hygiene-conscious person points out that maintaining good personal hygiene is not just for yourself but also for the people around you. Neglecting it can lead to unpleasant body odor and even more serious health issues.

9. Scrub Those Feet!

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Do you assume that the soap running down your feet is enough to clean them? Think again. According to a nail technician, many people, including the bottoms, don't wash their feet thoroughly. Don't let sweat, dirt, and bacteria accumulate on your feet. Give them a good scrub during your shower or bath time to keep them fresh and healthy.

10. Avoid the “Sewer Dog” Smell in Laundry

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Keep your laundry from sitting in the washing machine for over a day before drying it. According to a laundry expert, it can develop a foul smell that's worse than a “sewer dog.” To avoid this unpleasant odor, re-wash your laundry before drying it. Your nose and those around you will thank you.

10 Celebrities That Are Distractingly Attractive

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In the realm of celebrities, certain individuals' attractiveness transcends the screen, captivating the hearts and minds of fans worldwide. These stars possess a magnetic presence, leaving a lasting impression with their striking looks and undeniable charm. Recently, people shared such celebrities on an online platform whose sheer attractiveness is nothing short of distracting. 

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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