A World of Warmth: 10 Inspirational Stories of Countries with Excellent Hospitality

To visit, you have a list of 195 countries, and each of them stands out in its own way. However, there are very few countries that force us to go there again due to their hospitality. Hospitality is not only useful in developing business but also increases your country's reputation.

1. Ireland

The Irish are a very welcoming nation; they always take care of their guests and provide a safe and fearless environment so that they can enjoy their stay.

A traveler expressed his feelings about Ireland's hospitality and said that he had never seen a country whose people have such a beautiful heart.

Another backpacker commented that Ireland is not only safe for men but for women as well because they respect girls, which makes them gentlemen.

2. Jordan

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Jordanians are a very kind and respectful nation; they treat visitors with utmost respect and courtesy. 

A sightseer shared that he went to Jordan and got so much respect, even from the street wanders. They were treating me as their family member, which proves that it is not important to be rich but to have good manners.

Another explorer said that Jordanians are the warmest and most hospitable people, as they are always ready to host visitors.

3. Pakistan

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Undoubtedly, Pakistan has many beautiful places that should be visited once in a while. Aside from its beauty, they are very good in hospitality.

One tourist said that his visit to Pakistan was commendable. He met great people there, who did not even allow him to pay for his stay simply because they believed that “guests are a mercy.”

Another said, I have visited so many places so far, but I can say no one can beat Pakistan in hospitality and food.

4. Indonesia

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Indonesia comes in the world's most beautiful country list, and millions of people go there to witness its beauty and friendly nature.

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A visitor admired Bali not only for its natural beauty but for the warm hospitality he had in hotels. Moreover, the people I met in Bali were the nicest and kindest.

Another voyager was at a loss for words to praise because he had the best time there. The beauty of Jogja had sunk into his soul.

5. Sri Lanka

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Sri Lanka is not only rich in historical places, but the people there are very down to earth and give warm hugs to their visitors.

An adventurer said his trip to Sri Lanka was the best decision he made as he witnessed not only its beauty but also the hospitality of its people.

Another vacationer said, if you have no money in your pocket, don't worry because you are in the kindest country that will never let you go hungry.

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6. Costa Rica

A tourist or a student with a backpack near the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin in Germany, looks at the sights.
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Costa Rica is based in Central America. It's a small city but has lots of attractions like waterfalls, beaches, national parks, and zip-lining.

A tourist shared that visiting other places is always hectic, especially for mothers, but Ticos proved her wrong as they were very helpful and kind, which made my trip hassle-free.

Another solo traveler stated that Costa Rica showed so much love to me, even though I lacked an understanding of their native language.

7. Turkey

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Turkey still retains its name in the list of safe countries and ingrained their culture strongly. A teenage wayfarer shared his experience, as he was impressed by Turkish honesty and friendly nature, who returned my lost purse with all the belongings.

Another commentator said that she and her friend were in Turkey and lost somewhere between. But, a man with a golden heart helped and dropped us to the right destination. That's what we never forget until now and will never after.

8. Nepal

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It would not be wrong to call Nepal the cradle of high hills, due to which it has also got the title of Himalayan nation.

A Tourer praised Nepalese as so sweet and helpful to tourists. We met some hikers who talked to us politely and thereafter ended up inviting us for lunch.

Another voyager commented that he was served the best food in Katmandu, not only food, but he also enjoyed camping on a trek from Katmandu to Everest Base.

9. Thailand

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There is no doubt that Thailand offers numerous places for voyagers so that their vacations go well.

A voyager declared that Thailand was the safest city as people could roam on the street even at 4 a.m. without any fear. Also, Thailand is a very nice place for a honeymoon, as many hotels are surrounded by beautiful scenery.

Another man said, as he stayed in Chiang Mai and was amazed to see people's warmth as they openly welcomed a tourist to their land.

10. Japan

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Japan is a country where beautiful-hearted people live. It doesn't only offer you the best tourist places and food, but a welcoming atmosphere that forces foreigners to re-visit. A gallivanter said hotels recruited well-mannered staff who know how to get into the heart of the customer.

Another said he didn't find any country more welcoming and nice to visitors than Japan. They are not only hospitable and polite, but customer service is also a plus point that took my heart.

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