10 Odd Thoughts People Abroad Have About Everyone in America

Here are some things that foreigners believe everyone in America has.

1. Soft Drinks: A Staple in American Homes

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Americans keep individual cans or bottles of soft drinks in their houses as shares as non-Americans. They believe that this is because of soda's widespread availability and popularity in the United States. From their point of view, Americans seem to have a never-ending supply of Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and other sugary beverages, with entire refrigerators dedicated to storing them.

2. A Gallon of Milk: A Common Sight in American Fridges

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One resident noted that non-Americans tend to assume that every American household always has a gallon of milk in the refrigerator. While this may be true for some households, it certainly isn't a universal rule nationwide. However, many Americans do indeed enjoy dairy products, and milk is a staple ingredient in many American recipes, from pancakes to macaroni and cheese.

3. Garage Fridges: A Hub for Beers and Frozen Costco Foods

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It's common for Americans to have a separate refrigerator in their garage, shares another outsider. They claim that this fridge is typically stocked with a variety of cheap, bulk food items purchased from Costco and a seemingly endless supply of beer.

4. Individually Wrapped Items: A Quirk of American Convenience Culture

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A wise observer noted that Americans keep something that is individually wrapped in their homes, but it doesn't need to be. This could refer to products like individually wrapped candy or snacks, which are common in American households. While convenient for on-the-go snacking, some may argue that the excess packaging is unnecessary and contributes to environmental waste.

5. Facing the Audience: A Unique Sofa Arrangement in American Homes

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Another person observed that Americans tend to have a sofa in their living room that faces a certain direction as if they were performing for a studio audience. It's almost as if they expect to be on T.V. The setup is often accompanied by a large, flat-screen television and a collection of remote controls.

6. Garbage Disposals: A Fascination of Non-Americans

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An observer often sees a “garbage disposal thing” in American shows and movies and wonders if it's a common item in American homes. While not all Americans have garbage disposals, they are indeed popular kitchen appliances. Garbage disposals allow food waste to be ground up and disposed of through the kitchen sink drain, reducing the amount of solid waste in landfills. However, it's worth noting that not all foods can be safely disposed of in a garbage disposal, and proper usage and maintenance are important to avoid clogs and damage to the appliance.

7. The Love for Cheese: A Late-Night Snack in American Households

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Americans tend to keep a literal block of cheese in their refrigerator at all times. This is what non-Americans think. The user suggests that Americans might wake up at midnight and suddenly crave cheese, prompting them to have a block ready in the fridge.

8. Giant Containers of Orange Ball Food: A Mystery to Non-Americans

Woman surprised
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People in America are known for keeping large container of orange ball food in their houses. While they didn't specify the type of food, it could be anything from cheese puffs to Cheetos. They joked that Americans probably munch on these snacks at any time.

9. Random Baseball Bats: An American Home Security Solution

Woman with surprised reaction
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A non-native says that people who live in the USA keep a random baseball bat in their homes. Perhaps it's a security measure, or maybe it's just a leftover relic from a long-abandoned hobby. Regardless, the image of a baseball bat casually leaning against a wall or tucked away in a closet seems common among those who have never lived in the U.S.

10. Bedroom Windows: A Secret Passage for American Teenagers

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The final observer remarked that Americans have a bedroom window through which teenagers come and go at night. While this may be an exaggeration, it's not uncommon for teenagers in the U.S. to sneak out of their homes or climb into their bedrooms through a window. In fact, some parents have even installed alarms on their children's bedroom windows to prevent them from doing so. It's all part of the rite of passage for many American teenagers.

10 Celebrities That Are Distractingly Attractive

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In the realm of celebrities, certain individuals' attractiveness transcends the screen, captivating the hearts and minds of fans worldwide. These stars possess a magnetic presence, leaving a lasting impression with their striking looks and undeniable charm. Recently, people shared such celebrities on an online platform whose sheer attractiveness is nothing short of distracting. 

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