10 Things We Crave to Hear in a Loving Relationship

Signs and signals in a relationship are all well and good, and so is an exciting cat-and-mouse chase of flirtation and implications. However, neither of these is a worthy replacement for good old verbal communication, which builds up your relationship on an unshakeable foundation of trust and intimacy. We've gathered up the top ten things partners wish to hear from their significant others so you can take pointers for your relationships, too:

I Love You

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One lovelorn user brought up the very basic phrase that should be in every couple's vocabulary: I love you. Three short words with a gargantuan impact. Whether you're craving to hear it for the first time in a fledgling relationship or whether the words get lost in the constantly flowing river of life, these words have the power to rejuvenate your relationship. 

I Trust You

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Some people might say that trusting someone may be an even more significant relationship milestone than loving them. When the loving part is not in question, the words “I trust you” become sweeter, as a wise relationship expert agrees. Trust signifies a closeness and connection. It acknowledges that you feel safe in your partner knowing the soft and wounded parts of you, and it is an honor you bestow on your partner. 

Verbal Expressions of Gratitude

Grateful Woman
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One usually cynical person conceded a point to the so-called “marriage scientists” in their assessment of the essentiality of gratitude. Making a point to appreciate various actions and personality traits of your partner staves off the dreaded relationship demon that is becoming a habit. Expressing gratitude imbues every action your partner does for you with meaning and sincerity and nurtures the bond between the couple.

Acceptance and Apology

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Apologies pave the way for a smooth journey of healing from the many ups and downs of any relationship. Withholding the key phrase “I'm sorry” eats away at a relationship, as shown by the number of quietly hurting partners echoing each other. Letting your ego come between your partner and the apology they deserve will surely build resentment and poison your relationship. Take it from us: just say sorry and say it often. 

Struck It Rich

Couples discussing
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Financial troubles have a way of worming into the good parts of your relationship and rendering them insufficient. One practical-minded partner wished their significant other would tell them they'd won the lottery and were “filthy rich .”Many agree with this sentiment since being set for life in the money way frees you up to focus on your relationship. 

Cancer-free Celebration

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 Cancer afflicts a large number of the world's population, and there's nothing that makes you feel as helpless as seeing the person you love battle the disease and all the emotional and physical turmoil it brings. One user stole the words of many relationship partners by saying the most awaited and precious words for many: “The cancer is gone.” These words, if ever said, are cherished for the prospect of health and joy they promise. 

A Declaration of Sobriety

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Alcoholism is a demon that plagues so many individuals. It is caused by their struggles in different stages of their life and sometimes an inherited struggle beyond their control. A true partner is by your side on every step of the struggle. They'd love nothing but for the pain to end, for you and themselves when they see you hurting. One partner of a struggling alcoholic shared their desire to hear the words “I quit drinking for good” from their partner, words which, while not a guarantee of any sort, would provide the hope needed to carry on. 

Felicitations of Fatherhood

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One-half of one of the many couples grappling with infertility expressed his great desire to hear his partner deliver the news of their impending parenthood to him. Indeed, the words “I'm pregnant” signal an end to the repeated heartache and despair that the journey of infertility subjects you to. It is a beacon of hope and a cause for ecstatic joy, the start of a new journey that deepens existing bonds and creates new ones. 

I Got This

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A relationship indicates that you're a team, and in a team, if you're not at your 100%, your partner will pick up your slack. One tired woman shared how she wished her partner would assertively take over her tasks without her needing to ask every time. Acts of service is truly an underrated love language. 

Communicating Issues

happy couple talking at home in evening
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Communication is a crucial aspect of any successful relationship, especially when it comes to communicating problems. One relationship connoisseur gave a straightforward example of a partner effectively communicating their issue and how they'd like their partner to help as something they'd love to hear in a relationship. It's true that vocalizing your feelings and wants works better than stewing while your partner makes unsuccessful attempts to read your mind.

“Trust Shattered” No One Will Ever Trust You Again If You Do These 10 Things

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Trust forms the foundation of any healthy and meaningful relationship. The delicate thread binds individuals together, fostering openness, vulnerability, and a sense of security. However, trust can be fragile and easily shattered by certain behaviors and actions. Recently people shared some of the fastest ways to lose trust in others.

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As time moves forward, certain practices, beliefs, and customs become outdated, irrelevant, or downright embarrassing to look back on. Now we will explore the opinions of various individuals about the current state of affairs and how people in the future might look back on them with disbelief. 

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