Witnessing History: 10 Significant Societal Changes Over a Lifetime

Every creature witnessed societal shifts in their lifetime. Societal shifts cover every aspect, whether it be technological, social, cultural, or traditional. These societal shifts can be positive or negative, but somehow, they shape the true meaning of the existence of life on this planet Earth.

1. Civil Rights for Women

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Women have usually discriminated against men for civil rights during the past years. But now, due to emerging and evolving transitions, women are given equal opportunities to men. One of the commenters justified his stance by saying that the world will witness a huge transformation by unlocking the multiple prospects for women.

2. Evolution of Computing Technology

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Multiple recent advancements in computing technology have been observed with evolving times. One of the numerous breakthroughs is the replacement of silicon chips. A scientist has expressed his viewpoint that silicon chips are substituted with nanotubes that are smaller, lighter, and quicker. In addition, quantum computing has been emerging to solve complex problems in the developing era.

3. Adapting Approach to Fight Diseases

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Antibiotics and medical approaches to fighting against multiple pathogens have crashed because bacteria are becoming resistant. A scientist has exclaimed that designing antibodies against the pathogen helps in assisting immunity. Moreover, a nanotechnology-based approach is used to design nanoparticles against bacteria for better resistance. These approaches pay off well for the treatment of diseases.

4. Lack of Social Attachment

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In this digital age, the world is converting into a cell due to emerging technologies and advancements. Hence, there is a decline in human emotions and attachments towards each other. A person exclaimed that it is very painful to see the young generation embracing mobile phones. In a gathering, no one will talk, but they stare and focus on the gadgets, making the whole environment worrisome.

5. Decline of Smoking in Public 

Displeased angry woman blocking offer, showing cross stop gesture, saying no and shaking head in negative reply, standing over pink background
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Smoking is considered to be a symbol of rebelling and showing independence among teenagers. However, due to strong governmental resistance against this approach, it seems to pay off. An old man shared that during his young age, it was a dime a dozen to smoke in public places. But nowadays, due to strict action, there is a decline in cigarette smoking in public places.

6. Epidemic of Mental Health Problems

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Depression and mental health problems are gaining momentum like a shockwave because of certain factors. A doctor has stressed that the youth is now delving into this major threat. It is due to a rise in social media use, loneliness, or family history. Along with that, the inferiority complex is the most crucial one. Everyone wants to be superior enough, and in this race, they become so neglectful of themselves that they are becoming mentally unstable.

7. Rise in Intolerance

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Tolerance and patience are indispensable like air for smooth-going in life. A woman has sadly expressed her opinion that once he went for groceries in the market. While driving, at one place, he observed that two strangers were arguing aggressively. This verbal conflict turned out to be physical conflict in no minute because of their consciousness and intolerance.

8. Deprived Honesty

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Honesty is the golden ticket to win everyone's hearts and to triumph in every aspect of life. But today's generation has now become so mean and cold-hearted. Somebody mentioned that today's youth has become more indulged towards gains, no matter what means they would adopt. They have agreed to prove themselves better than others, forgetting about their actual talent. Due to a lack of honesty, they want to achieve anything by hook or crook.

9. Rising Corruption

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Corruption is the root evil cause that is undermining society as well as the government. A generalist has expressed that corruption has become elevated to the high levels of corrupt mafias and that the country's development is at stake. In addition, poverty has gained traction like wildfire. According to him, youth can play a role in eliminating this virus in society. For this approach, proper dedication and integrity must be instilled in everyone.

10. Interracial Marriage

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Interracial marriages have been considered unethical in the past years. However, nowadays, due to the rise in secularism and liberalism, interracial marriage comes into interplay. A U.S. citizen shared that the trend of interracial and interethnic marriages has increased fivefold. It is because people are starting to look and find multiple groups to elevate positive interracial encounters.

10 Celebrities That Are Distractingly Attractive

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In the realm of celebrities, certain individuals' attractiveness transcends the screen, captivating the hearts and minds of fans worldwide. These stars possess a magnetic presence, leaving a lasting impression with their striking looks and undeniable charm. Recently, people shared such celebrities on an online platform whose sheer attractiveness is nothing short of distracting. 

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