10 Things Our Parents Used to Do That Seem Outdated Now

Parents are a blessing to us that has no replacement. They spend all their lives providing their children with the best. Though many disagreements exist between parents and children, our bond with our parents cannot be denied. Here are ten habits of parents that are outdated to their children.

Work-Life Balance

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Most of the time, parents prioritize work, which compromises family time and other important life events. They take a workload on their shoulders to earn enough to provide a good living for their family. A user added that most of the time, parents grind themselves in work even when they are suffering from illness.

Blind Obedience

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It is good to obey elders and follow the rules, but not at the cost of life and death. Following someone blindly causes stress and burdens on a person. A respondent shared an incident where a father told his son not to take a leave from work to visit him at a hospital because it would put a bad impression on his boss.

No Sick Leave to School

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Parents do not allow children to take off from school for any reason. They want to maintain discipline, good performance, and full attendance of their kids. An individual shared his school memory of never being allowed to take off from school even when he was sick, and his friends managed to take sick leaves.

Setting Boundaries

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Most parents hold orthodox concepts that are not considered a good practice today. There is no concept of having personal space or setting boundaries for them. This is why people also breach lines and interfere in personal space; unfortunately, that is usually normal for parents. A person said that lack of personal space and boundaries are the biggest problems between generations.

Ties With Unwanted People

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Talking with people or family members who are terrible to you and give you nothing but devaluation is a common practice of parents. Another user shared an insight that having a dysfunctional relationship in the name of family or friends despite unspoken issues is the worst thing one could do to himself.


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Parents feel responsible for sharing every detail with everyone in the family. They think of themselves as one system which cannot run without sharing everything. Sometimes, they even share very personal details or things just because “We are a family.” A person said that feeling entitled to share everything in the name of family is commonly seen in parenthood.

Forced Eating

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Parents naturally get more concerned about their child's health when a child is in a growing phase. They usually ignore that everyone has a tendency to grow differently. This is why when they do not look apparently healthy (chubby), parents force them to eat more. One commenter said it is super unhealthy to force your child to eat as it may cause lifelong eating disorders.

Fear of Failure

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It has become very common for parents to force their children to study. They want them to attain good marks and perform well in school because they do not want their child left behind and face failure. One of the users advised encouraging children to study well, along with accepting failures as a part of life.

Miles of Silence

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Traveling with family creates memorable moments, but it could be boring at the same time. Imagine going on a road trip with your parents with no old annoying music, no conversation, no sound, just silence. Someone shared his memory on a drive with his parents, having little to no conversation with no sound for hours until he asked them to turn on the radio.


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Generally, parents are not fond of exploring new opportunities. They often do not switch jobs or work even if they get a better pay scale and growth margin because they also feel double-down loyalty to their job. Someone has responded that parents prefer staying at one job for 30 years because they assume it preserves their loyalty and devotion to a company.

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