Fact Check: 10 Misunderstandings That Still Linger

In the current era, everyone is guilty of spreading misconceptions and fictional realities. Some misconceptions leech us into our habitual mind system, and we can't let them go. We even ignore the facts and just go with our beliefs to make our conceptions a reality. Let's get to know some of the ordinary but incorrect myths of society.

Thick Facial Hairs

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Adults are genuinely concerned about their facial hair growth. They believe that if one shaves his facial hair, it becomes thicker the next time. So they try to avoid shaving or do it cautiously. A user adds a humorous crisp and says that if that's a reality, he would have gotten one big long hair because he has been clean-shaven for almost all his life.

A Human Smell

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Animals abandon their babies once they are touched by humans. Humans have a strong smell that has been injected into the baby animals, and those baby animals can't be accepted into their communities. A user says that this myth is only carried out by the parents to keep their babies away from animals; otherwise, there is no sense in it.

Gum in Intestine

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How many times have you swallowed your gum?

People still believe that if you swallow a piece of gum, there is a chance that it will stay in your intestines for about seven years. But that's not a fact, and it's all an illusion. A user shares his brother's experience that once he swallowed gum, it went out through his external excretion.

Arthritis Cracking

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People mostly crack their knuckles in fun or routine habits. These cracking habits come up with many fictional impacts, too. One is that Your arthritis can develop with these knuckle-cracking habits, which have no connection with fact. A user explains a story of a renowned doctor who believes in this and experimented on his family, which shows that people believe in some heard stories.

Improvision of Night Vision

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Who doesn't love carrots?

It does not mean they will improve our night vision ability. The most incorrect but amusing fact about carrots is that they have a huge role in enhancing night vision. A user says that he had excellent night vision ability, and he always believed that it was because of carrots until he realized it was because of radar.

Only 10% Brain

man thinking pointing to head
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A most incorrect but most believable myth among people is humans can only use 10% of the brain. An informed user explains that science has debunked this intellectual lie and proves that almost every part of the brain remains active all the time to perform specific functions. He adds that most people claim this only to become cool; otherwise, they have no knowledge.

Death at 30

Woman crying at funeral.
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

You must have heard this theory that in the past, people only lived at 30. It is the most common misconception, and most people believe it without fact-checking. An intellectual person counters this argument that the average mortality rate cannot define the individual living period. Another user adds that most people in those ages even lived till 70; it is all luck.

Eight Spiders per Year

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Could you guess how many spiders you have swallowed till now? No one can guess it, but still, people believe that, on the average rate, humans swallow eight spiders in a year. A user shares that brave guy counters this idea and helps in screwing this fake data. A user adds that this is all guess; no algorithm can be involved.

A Low Raised Pay

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Government employees mostly have a concern that after getting the pay increase, they get less because of the taxation charges. This concept is endorsed by many big official employees, too. An accountant user says that if the taxes increase, so does the pay, so there is no logic in this concern. He further claims it to be the addition of a newer rate of taxes. Otherwise, pay does increase.

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A Real Cold

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In the winter season, there are a lot of people who catch colds and fevers. Most people relate it to the concept that you have stayed outside in the cold, and that's why you become sick. For the surprise, it's not a fact. A user claims that one can only catch a real cold from other people rather than from a cold environment.

“Trust Shattered” No One Will Ever Trust You Again If You Do These 10 Things

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Trust forms the foundation of any healthy and meaningful relationship. The delicate thread binds individuals together, fostering openness, vulnerability, and a sense of security. However, trust can be fragile and easily shattered by certain behaviors and actions. Recently people shared some of the fastest ways to lose trust in others.

“What Were Boomers Thinking?” 10 Cringe-Worthy Modern Things Future Generations Will Wonder About

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

As time moves forward, certain practices, beliefs, and customs become outdated, irrelevant, or downright embarrassing to look back on. Now we will explore the opinions of various individuals about the current state of affairs and how people in the future might look back on them with disbelief. 

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“Yes, Everyone Has A Gallon Of That” 10 Weird Things Foreigners Believe Everyone in American Has

Image Credit: Adobe Stock.

“Is America The Best Country?” 20 Terrible Things About The USA Many Don't Want to Accept

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The American culture is diverse and unique, but some aspects of it can take time to accept by people from other countries. Recently on an online platform, people have shared their thoughts on some of the challenging aspects of American cultures, such as casual debt, limited vacation time, school mascots, zero-tolerance policies, and more.

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