Gen Z Mysteries: 10 Things That Make Us Scratch Our Heads

Generation Z is known for its coolness, creativity, and individualism, creating fun chaos in the older generations' lives. Apart from various cool additions to fashion or language, there are a few cringe things that make us shake our heads. Here is the list of 10 things that the older generations are finding annoying and strange.

An Unconscious Gaslighting

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Gen Z comes with its perceptions of gaslighting behavior. According to them, telling a lie and accusing someone is not always gaslighting. A PTSD patient shares how this thinking has impacted him a lot. Even a person shares that he constantly accepted this behavior until he awakened.

Normalization of Allergies

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There is a concept in Gen Z that every minor infection is an allergy, which causes the normalization and ignorance of real allergy impacts. An impacted person stresses that allergy is natural and causes lifelong diseases. Another user adds that Gen Z has made allergy a trendy thing based on their liking or dislikes.

Nothing Is Serious

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Gen Z is trying to normalize everything and considering every undiagnosed mental illness as casual. There is a strange logic among them that even if a man has bipolar disorder, it is not serious but just a bad mood regulation. A stunned user shares that they will clearly say you're just more into cleanliness instead of considering it an OCD situation.

Everything Is Triggering

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It is pretty strange in the Gen Z generation that they put every blame on psychological factors like triggers and boundaries instead of accepting their bad behavior. It is an act of escaping from one's own mistakes. A Gen X person considers this act annoying and says that we cannot use triggers as an excuse to satisfy ourselves or to look cool.

Influencers Are Talented

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There is an ongoing trend among Gen Z that every social media influencer is talented. Even knowing that they are selling things which they haven't even used. A shocking user says he is not making up his mind when Gen Z puts these influencers and talented people in the same breath. Another person uses the term ‘paid shills' for influencers who just do publicity and earn money.

Obsession With Literally

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If Gen Z becomes obsessed with something, there is no way back then. The same is true for the word literally; they have been using it everywhere without proper purpose. No one can stop them once they have grabbed some words in their language. An annoyed person gives it an ironic touch and says that the literal word has literally lost its literal meaning.

A Racist

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Who terms anyone racist on a minor incident? 

Gen Z has snatched the word ‘racist' and considers it fine to declare anyone as racist. A user recalls that he has been calling racists on just his dislike of the Chinese government. Furthermore, another person shares the same incident of being called racist because the declarer is terrified of black people.

Judging the Older Generation

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Gen Z has come on a term of taunting older generations for being unaware of the modest technology. They consider calling them out as old-fashioned is their right. A critical user says that according to Z, it is okay to call out the generation for an act they are not responsible for; they just do it. Another user further adds and calls Gen Z a hypocrite.

Texts Over Calls

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Do you prefer text or calls?

Gen Z has become text-friendly people for a while. They don't respond to calls and even ignore the calls and then send a text as a response. There is a common persona that they find called irritating. A Gen X person finds it quite strange and disrespectful that they don't even consider attending the call.

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Acoustic Bicycles

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Do you also call your electric bicycle acoustic? 

Everyone from the older generations is surprised when they hear the word acoustic for electric bikes. It is pretty hilarious to use new and strange terminology and claim it cool. A hilarious user joyously announces that he will now say acoustic rather than electric bike in his next day's race.

“Trust Shattered” No One Will Ever Trust You Again If You Do These 10 Things

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Trust forms the foundation of any healthy and meaningful relationship. The delicate thread binds individuals together, fostering openness, vulnerability, and a sense of security. However, trust can be fragile and easily shattered by certain behaviors and actions. Recently people shared some of the fastest ways to lose trust in others.

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As time moves forward, certain practices, beliefs, and customs become outdated, irrelevant, or downright embarrassing to look back on. Now we will explore the opinions of various individuals about the current state of affairs and how people in the future might look back on them with disbelief. 

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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