10 Stories of Physical Changes People Wish They Could Make To Their Bodies

All of us, at some point in our lives, have thought about changing a thing or two about our bodies. Although that shouldn't be a priority, for some of us, we do take it at heart.

You'd look better with straighter teeth, a fairer complexion, oh, maybe hazel eyes instead of green ones. There's a lot of If I Could, I Would” stuff. So, here are ten personal stories of desired body changes.

1. Height

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“Be a little taller,” goes one user in the comments. They say that they do like to make short-height jokes about themselves. However, they hate it when anyone else makes fun of their short height.

Another thing is that they have a young-looking face or a baby face. This makes their short height and young face look like a baby. Worst of all? They have to date guys who look like creeps.

2. Eyes

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Someone says that they would love to change their eyes. Primarily because, according to them, things have been blurry all their life. They can't function without glasses.

Another one adds that they can barely read words on a page within 2 inches of their face. They say they'd be super happy if they get 20/20. Lenses or glasses won't help because their eyesight will continue to worsen with age.

3. Lactose Intolerance

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A user has expressed their desire for their lactose intolerance to be gone. They further add that why must the majority of the most delicious things they love to enjoy be dairy products?! And the replacements are just not the same!

To this day, they say, they just basically account for their guts going into Defcon 1 for the whole day if faced with the choice of having dairy or not. “Deliciousness, here I go! “is what they end their comment with.

4. Adams Apple

Smiling Attractive Man
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

One of the commenters says that they would like to have their Adam's apple shaved down. As a woman, it astounds her how many grown adults think that if a woman has an Adam's apple, she must be a boy. “Just no,” she goes on and says that's not how that works.

They add that as a kid, it was so hurtful hearing other kids insist that she was a boy because she had an Adam's apple. That shit screwed with her self-esteem. She does have other insecurities that she has been able to accept over time. But, she says, has never been able to feel better about this one in particular.

5. Voice

Two men chatting on couch
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Another says that they would like their voice to be changed. It would help them lower their social anxiety. They further add that people misgender them primarily because of their voice.

They say people shouldn't assume where the issue comes from before asking a question about it. Even if others are told to address them correctly, according to their voice, they still address them incorrectly on purpose. Because of this, they have crippling social anxiety.

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6. More Feminine

Beautiful Overweight Woman Outdoors
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A commenter said that they would like their body to be a bit more curvier and more feminine at that. They have a very rectangular and overall flat figure that they don't like.

It has been the center point for bullying their entire life, they added. Moreso, they even beat themselves up for it. They say they'd like to think of themselves as a pretty person, but a pretty face is wasted on a disgusting body.

7. Mental Health

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Some of the commenters are tired of mental health stuff happening. They say that they are sick and tired of random bouts of depression just because the brain doesn't want to make the right chemicals.

One says that they would like a balanced serotonin (happiness neurotransmitter). And another one says they would like better dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and the GABA system.

8. Overweight

Upset overweight woman
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Someone in the comments would like to set their body fat percentage to 20%. They have always been overweight because their parents never thought about what they fed them. Because of this, they say that they were pretty much set to fail as an adult.

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They have been on diets, and they were quite athletic and used to weight lift 285 lbs. But they still weren't a “healthy” body fat percentage.

9. Ginger Hair

Woman with crossed arms
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

One of the users is a ginger, and they've got a love/hate relationship with her hair. Having long ginger hair makes them stand out in a crowd. They can't easily avoid people looking at them, which can be good and bad!

She was horribly bullied for it growing up, which didn't help.

It did get her guys walking across a bar to talk to her, but nowadays, it's also both positive and negative! She can't go out in the sun without a factor 50 minimum, and honestly, she just instantly burns regardless.

10. No Acne

Teenager with acne looking in mirror
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Someone has shared that they would like their acne to change. Another one adds to the conversation and says it would be nice if they looked into the mirror and not see the surface of the moon (lol).

A user asks why the body would even allocate resources to these blemishes. And one of the users added that they used to be pretty handsome until they hit puberty. Now, they hate their skin because of acne.

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