10 Foods: How Did Our Ancestors Make Sure They Were Safe?

Every food you enjoy today has some unique preparation methods. Have you ever wondered how these methods came into existence? Our ancestors must have struggled to ensure the availability of a vast variety of food. Let's look at some foods that make you curious about their existence.

1. Small Poisonous Potatoes

Potatoes spilling out of a brown sack onto boards.
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No doubt, potatoes are a staple food nearly everywhere in the world. But do you know that early potato consumption was different from today? In old age, potatoes were small, hard, and poisonous. An individual shared that the only way to eat those potatoes was to soak them in running water and freeze-dry on the mountains' rocks. Another person explained that mixing potatoes with clay was also an effective way to absorb toxins from the potatoes.

2. ManiçOba-a Brazilian Fruit

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Maniçoba remains toxic if cooked for less than three days. According to some contributors, you can eat it only after cooking it for seven days. They found this fruit weird, as nobody can wait for a week when hungry. Further, its taste after prolonged cooking remains nearly inedible. A person states he felt like a winner when he found himself alive after tasting this Brazilian fruit.

3. Edibles Mushrooms 

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Charles McIlvaine was a mycologist who tasted nearly all types of mushrooms, excluding those declared poisonous at that time. Despite the fact he ate so many mushrooms (any of them can be poisonous because of limited knowledge), he died a natural death. With all this knowledge in mind, a person commented that it was not the toxicity that had made some mushrooms inedible but their unbearable taste. This all makes it surprising to know that our ancestors were comfortable with mushroom consumption.

4. Cashews 

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If eaten raw, cashews can result in severe skin allergy due to the presence of a toxic compound known as urushiol in their shells. Its extraction and preparation method is difficult and time-consuming. A single mistake can put consumers at serious health risks. A commenter mentioned cashews take so many considerations for getting ready; it is the most expensive nut in the market.

5. Cheese

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Rennet is an enzyme needed for cheese preparation by milk curdling. This enzyme is naturally present in calves' stomachs. Some people have a weird concept that, at early ages, people used to store milk in their calf's stomachs to get cheese. Usage of the stomach as a storage vessel seems a weird idea, but it can be a reality. A contributor commented if you have lumpy milk, don't think it has become useless; just make cheese from it.

6. Fugu

A plate of pearly white Fugu Pufferfish sashimi with chopped chives.
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With a lethal amount of toxins, Fugu is a fish that is still used as a delicious dish in some regions, mainly Japan. A person depicted that about fifty persons die each year because of fugu consumption. Also, an ordinary cook cannot prepare Fugu; you must have a license to make this toxic fish dish. To reduce the risk of toxicity, heavily poisonous organs, including the liver, are wasted, and only specific parts undergo cooking.

7. Hákarl

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It is the national dish of Iceland. But if you try eating it fresh, you're going to experience worse health conditions in your life. It's highly poisonous if consumed fresh. To enjoy its taste, fermentation is necessary. A person commented that people used to bury this fish in the coastal area for fermentation after catching it. He was curious about the people who became sick or died because of the intake of this kind of rotting fish.

8. Oysters 

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If you have never tried oysters, you must be curious about the consumption of these rocky and slimy seafood. Many people want to learn how severely a person who first tried oysters was starving. According to them, when the person came to know that oysters were tasty, he informed all of his friends that oysters were a popular dish. Another individual explained that he must have seen some animal eating oysters, which made him confident that oysters were not poisonous.

9. Acorns 

Squirrel eating an acorn or other nut.
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It's surprising how the ancestors tried their best to make acorns edible. Although acorns were cultivated very early in human history, to make them edible, they need proper treatment and preparation methods. A commenter shared that he always thinks about how a person came to know that he can make the inside of the acorn edible by converting it into flour. Another person commented it's incredible how humans managed to make acorns edible despite their bitterness.

10. Bread

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Have you thought about the origin of your staple food bread? It's interesting how a man came to know how to grind the grains, make them wet, and then bake them over the fire to enjoy. An individual stated that the discovery of the flatbread could have been by mistake, where a person mistakenly provided heat to wet ground grains, which resulted in a tasty baked item.

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