She’s The Worst: 12 Couples That Didn’t Last a Year Once Married

Not all marriages end well in the world of relationships. Sometimes events take place that cause unions to dissolve in an alarmingly short amount of time. Let's enter the realm of true stories, presenting twelve accounts from people who encountered the awkward and frequently unexpected causes of their marriages ending before one year.

1. Divided by Politics: Tumultuous Marriage & Divorce

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Following a three-month courtship, a person recounts the tumultuous tale of a woman who hastily tied the knot only to file for divorce a mere four months later. The couple's opposing political ideologies, with one being a staunch conservative and the other a fervent liberal, proved insurmountable after the presidential election, leaving them unable to reconcile their contrasting viewpoints.

2. Unexpected Surprises: Brief Marriage, Sudden Divorce

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Another individual share their firsthand encounter with a brief marriage marked by unforeseen surprises. After seven years of dating, their partner unexpectedly proposed, despite never discussing the topic of marriage before. However, after just seven months of wedded bliss, their spouse's demeanor turned gloomy and distant. Eventually, their partner admitted to harboring hateful feelings and the inability to endure their presence, leading to a sudden departure and subsequent divorce six weeks later.

3. Tragic Accident: Car Crash Ends Short Marriage

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A somber comment reveals the heartbreaking end of a marriage caused by a tragic car accident. The participant recounts that their ex-husband's best friend died in a harrowing car rollover on black ice. Devastated by the incident, their ex-husband spiraled into a deep melancholy, ultimately resulting in the dissolution of their marriage after a mere eight months. While other factors played a part, this catastrophic event significantly affected the couple's separation.

4. Betrayed by Infidelity: Short Marriage, Heartbreak

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Another individual share the account of their short-lived marriage, which crumbled due to their partner's infidelity. They disclose that their spouse engaged in an affair even during their engagement, continuing through the wedding preparations. Surprisingly, after the divorce, their ex-husband married the other woman involved, leaving the author feeling resentful and reflecting on the financial losses incurred during the messy ordeal.

5. Battling Schizophrenia: Marriage Breakdown

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Delving into the reasons behind their mother's initial marriage breakdown, one user reveals the challenges posed by their ex-husband's schizophrenia and refusal to seek treatment. The strain caused by his unwillingness to take medication significantly contributed to the deteriorating relationship, ultimately leading to the demise of their marriage after approximately one to one and a half years.

6. Love Cut Short: Terminal Illness, Poignant Journey

Excited smiling young couple in love making a super healthy vegan salad with many vegetables in the kitchen and man testing it from a girl's hands
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Recounting a tragic end to their mother's marriage, a person shares the story of her first spouse's battle with cancer. In the face of a terminal diagnosis, he expressed a heartfelt desire to marry their mother before his passing. The couple fulfilled this wish and embarked on a poignant journey to Hawaii for their honeymoon. Although their marriage was short-lived, the unwavering commitment demonstrated during this challenging period left a lasting impact.

7. Deceived Online: Ill-fated Marriage

Couples discussing
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As a cautionary tale, a user narrates the story of their cousin's ill-fated marriage, which originated from an online encounter. Tragically, their cousin's partner abruptly cut off all communication after receiving money for travel and expenses. Left with no choice, their cousin had to pursue a divorce by filing for abandonment, exposing the deceitful nature of specific individuals.

8. Tragic Marriage: Death & Brief Union

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Reflecting on their mother's brief marriage lasting only ten months, somebody shares that the ex-husband's cancer diagnosis prompted their decision to wed. Before his anticipated passing, they tied the knot and embarked on a honeymoon to Hawaii, fulfilling a long-held aspiration. Despite the genuine commitment displayed, the spouse's subsequent demise led to the dissolution of the marriage after a year.

9. Hidden Secrets: Shocking End To Short Marriage

Unhappy young couple arguing standing at house door, angry husband pointing at wife blaming her of problems, conflicts in marriage, bad relationships, man and woman having quarrel or disagreement
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Emotionally recounting their cousin's brief marriage, which endured less than a year, an individual unveils the shocking revelation that their cousin's spouse had concealed their existing marriage in their home country. The user laments the financial loss incurred due to this dishonest behavior and expresses concern for their vulnerable relative, who recently experienced their father's passing.

10. Irresponsible Fatherhood: Short-lived Marriage

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Describing the dissolution of their own marriage after only seven months, a commenter highlights their spouse's refusal to take responsibility for their child as the primary cause. The user emphasizes that they couldn't allow their child to suffer due to their spouse's lack of commitment, leading to the difficult decision of ending the marriage.

11. Fulfilling a Dying Wish: Marriage and Loss

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Offering an account from their ex-wife's perspective, an individual shares the narrative of a brief marriage lasting approximately one to one and a half years. They reveal that their ex-husband, battling cancer, expressed a genuine desire to marry before his impending demise. The couple tied the knot and embarked on a memorable honeymoon in Hawaii, fulfilling one of their partner's dreams. Unfortunately, their marriage concluded with the passing of their spouse.

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12. Abandoned & Defrauded: Troubling Brief Marriage

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Narrating their cousin's unfortunate experience in a short-lived marriage, another user discloses the distressing circumstances surrounding their relative's involvement with an online acquaintance. After buying an airline ticket to visit their cousin in the United States, their partner disappeared immediately after the marriage, defrauding their relative of thousands of dollars. The only recourse to dissolve the union was to file for abandonment, leaving their cousin in anguish.

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