Are Finance Guys Greedy? 10 Double Standards That Go Beyond Gender

Gender discrimination is not the one inequality that dominates in today's society. Although the era has advanced, people still hold the same conventional thoughts and ideas. So many double standards exist in a culture that is too wrong to continue in an educated environment. Here are the top double standards beyond gender that still exist in our society.

1. Quirky or Weird

Beautiful Woman
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Money and physical appearance have set unbelievable standards in people's minds. Our society judges people by their money or the beauty they hold. An individual explained this situation in a very concise way by saying people will call you eccentric if you’re rich and an old crazy person if you’re poor. Similarly, attractive persons are often considered quirky, and unattractive ones are considered weird.

2. Alcohol or Cocktail

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You will be called an alcoholic if you’re sitting alone in the bar. But if someone is in your company, you both will be considered enjoying a cocktail. That’s how crazy we think about others. A person stated that if you drink alcohol alone, then you’re called an alcoholic, but if you do the same in public, it will be called socializing.

3. Trend or Stigma

Woman sitting in Tiny House
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Many trends are enjoyed and appreciated, but people label them as stigmatized when observed in real life. One of the common examples is living in tiny homes. If you live in a tiny house of your choice for the sake of thrill, society will call it a cool practice. In contrast, the poor surviving hard in small living places are stigmatized.

4. Fun or Weirdness

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We all are aware of the attitude shown by the public when something goofy happens by mistake by a common person. But if celebrities make the same mistakes or activities, people receive them as cool and cute behavior. A contributor commented that if an attractive couple uploads a silly video, the audience calls it cute. In contrast, the unattractive couple is declared as cringe just because of their appearance.

5. Punishment or Forgiveness

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We all know the current world trends regarding crimes committed by rich people. Poor people have to face imprisonment and other punishments for their little crimes. In contrast, rich people enjoy their luxurious lives easily, even after committing crimes like murder. This all happens because of the dishonored judges, court systems, and terrible decisions they made.

6. Multifaceted Entrepreneur or Lack of Focus

Upset man with laptop.
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No doubt, a person can have multiple skills that enable him to balance more than one job at once. While doing so, society's perspective about you varies depending on your earnings. A commentator stated that if you’re doing multiple jobs and not earning much, people will find a lack of focus in you. On the other hand, if you’re getting a considerable amount with these jobs, you will be called a multifaceted entrepreneur.

7. Crime or Scandal

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Drug addiction has become a common crime among both rich and poor classes. However, how people view these crimes varies depending on one’s financial status. If a poor person is found abusing drugs, he will be announced as an addict. When the same happens with a rich individual, the world calls it a scandal. This discrimination needs to be eliminated from the roots of society.

8. Greedy or Smart

Wealthy man on plane.
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People make various assumptions about you based on your financial situation rather than your needs and objectives. One of the contributors mentioned that if you are rich and getting funds or other advantages from the government, you will be declared cool and small. But if you do the same with low financial status, people will call you greedy and trashy.

9. Underweight or Nutrient Deficiency 

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Underweight and overweight both have to face rude comments from the surrounding people. If you're underweight, you will always be advised to increase your diet no matter what diet you're taking and vice versa. People don't understand that being underweight is not always associated with calorie intake. People just know to make fun of and comment on others instead of focusing on their lives.

10. Elder Sibling or Responsible One

happy calm lady dream enjoy wellbeing breathing fresh air in cozy home modern living room.
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Parents always expect more from their first child. The elder sibling is always taught to be responsible and more careful about his career. In contrast, younger ones enjoy and chill out just because parents don't expect much from them. A person shared that he was the eldest brother, so he always experienced pressure to be perfect and nice.

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