10 Gems of Wisdom Moms Learned from Having Strong Daughters

Every mom-daughter relationship is complicated. However, there are a few tips that experienced mothers have shared and how it has empowered them and their daughters. On an online platform, mothers came forward and shared valuable lessons they learned from raising strong girls.

1. Patience

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Patience really is the key to being successful in any relationship. A thoughtful and understanding mother talks about her experience with 3 of her daughters. All of them are in their 20s. She mentions how, in their upbringing, before reacting to any situation her daughters were in, she would recall her childhood. This approach would make her more understanding of why her daughters were growing distant. She mentions how she learned giving space to children makes them want to share more about their lives. 

2. Never Say Never

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If we look around us, we may observe our friends who have strict parents, and they tend to hide almost everything from them. Well, as one girl-mom mentions, she realized it's always a bad decision to say no to your kids. If they know you trust them and you don't impose too many restrictions from the get-go, they would most likely be more open to taking your opinion and actually listening to you. 

3. Standing Up for Yourself

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Standing up for yourself in front of anyone could never go wrong. As another contributor mentions, children are always observing every small thing their parent does especially daughters. There is also an example of how daughters who see their moms being too submissive to husbands, even on irrational behavior, are affected by it as they grow up. So, as a mom advises, women should be exactly the kind of person they want their daughters to become since they are their only close example.

4. Advocacy

homeschool your kids
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Since there was little awareness of healthy parenting in medieval times, the urge to push one's daughter to be her true self may never have been a crucial concept. 

“Advocate for them, always” is what another mom has to say about raising a strong daughter she is proud of. She talks about the importance of encouraging and supporting the fire in every girl. If the mothers advocate for their daughters, they will turn out to be the invincible individuals they are meant to be in the outside world. 

5. Let Them Talk

mother and her daughter quarreled
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No matter who you are talking to, it's always off-putting when you get interrupted by anyone before you have even conveyed your message. One of the biggest lessons a mother has learned in raising three daughters is never interrupting when they are talking. She mentions how much damage it can do. If you let your daughters speak without nagging them, it would lead to stronger trust and a healthier relationship. It's best to just listen and not advise them right that instant, rather just try to understand.

6. Losing Sleep

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This lesson is a funny one but also important in some cases. Who would have thought moms would have to lose sleep when their kids are babies and in their 20s? Well, as an experienced mom talks about her lesson, she mentions how children are more vulnerable at night and tend to share more. So, if any mother is willing to lose her sleep for a depth in her bond with her daughters, this is a good lesson learned. 

7. Do Talk Yourself Down

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We all have an impact on what our parents say to us, good or bad, whatever it is. As much as all parents should be careful in talking about important things, mothers must never say anything negative about themselves. As one commenter emphasizes, how the mothers portray and talk about themselves develops how they think of you.

8. Lead by Example

Woman Counting Money
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Obviously, if you ever want your child to be an example, you will have to be the leading example for them first. As one user mentions, it is important because daughters with a strong background and support from their mothers are built differently. No one can overshadow them in the world outside of their own house. 

9. Communication

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Communication can never go wrong. Choosing the right words for criticizing your daughter should be something one should always take care of. Another empowered woman talks about how she always listens to her daughter without judgment, but she also calls her out when her behavior is nasty. Of course, calling them out on their inappropriate behavior is essential for them to be strong, positive-minded women. 

10. Don't Comment on Appearances

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While some people may advocate for this point by arguing that commenting on one's appearance indicates honesty, it can never have a good impact. Several moms commented on this specific point that they have learned over time. Saying negative remarks about your daughters' daughters' appearance can never have a positive impact on their upbringing. So, one should be mindful of the choice of words they use as the daughters are in their growing phase.

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