12 Bad Parenting Examples Where People Wanted to Call CPS

Strict parenting is one thing that you might see around. But a few parents become so strict in their parenting that it gives a creepy feeling to you. It looks like abuse on the child. And you may even want to report those parents to the CPS. An online platform has a record that 12 times people wanted to call the CPS for lousy parenting.

1. Sending Child To Pick up Order

worker at McDonald's restaurant. McDonald's is an American hamburger and fast food restaurant chain.
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

People have seen many examples of parents sending their kids to pick the order. While they lazily sit back in the car. And when kids reach back, they yell at them for being late or not getting the correct order. A person who worked at McDonald's comments, “You'd be surprised how common this is. Parents pull up, send their under 12-year-old kid out to the store by themselves to pick up the order”. 

2. Hitting Kids

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Many people have witnessed parents hitting their kids in public. A commenter says that he saw a guy smacking his 2-year-old toddler on crying. People have seen others hitting their younger kids or teenagers in public. It's most likely that they are used to doing this to them at home. That's why they are also hitting the kids in public places.

3. Yelling Harsh Words on Kids

Angry mother threatening her daughter at home
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Using harsh words on anyone gives sudden chills to another person. And using such words on kids will have them traumatized for life. A person tells her that once she witnessed such an incident. Some kids were playing nearby. Suddenly an adult woman shrieks, “Do that again and I will bust your head open and spill your brains on the street!!!!” The little girl just looked mortified. Not sure what exactly the child did, but the reaction was so threatening. Such incidents can commonly be seen, making you stunned. 

4. Not Taking Care of Kids in Public Places

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People go out to public places to have some fun. And not to hear the children screaming or destroying their property. People have seen parents taking toddlers into cinemas and not looking at them why they cry. Other times people have witnessed children destroying things in the marketplace. And their parents do not even stop or excuse their kids for it.

5. Consent on Everything

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Letting your kids do most things is a good parenting thing. But not stopping them from anything they do is the worst you can do to them. Some comments mentioned that when kids are asked for an ID at the cashier because they are buying alcohol or going to watch adult movies. They come with their mother, who says, “She's going to BE a mother. She can make her own choices about what movies to watch!”. And it has become more than expected that many people have witnessed the same.

6. Letting Young Kids Cross the Road

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Many people mentioned getting yelled at because they tried to stop or help the baby cross the road. And there are even worst cases when parents let their child ride a tricycle on the main road. Anytime a car can come to lose control and run over your kid. But these parents have no sense of security.

7. Not Educating the Kids

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Education is the light a person can hold in any time of darkness. But some parents do not help their kids in getting educated. And it especially happens with the girls. They set up a wedding fund for their daughters instead of a college fund. A comment says that such parents tell their daughters: “You're going to be a housewife, and it's futile to develop yourself as a person.” It's pretty heartbreaking.

8. Using Kid's Money

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Cashiers have often noticed women who come with their kids and use their money to buy things. Kids would be crying and shedding tears. Because e it was their money, they saved it for a year or more for their favorite thing or candy. But their mom refuses them and uses their money to get something for themselves. It looks so harsh to even think about kids passing by the candy racks with tears.

9. Leaving Kid Home Alone

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A few people share their childhood experiences of staying at home alone. They had to stay alone at home, not because their parents had a tough job. It was only because their parents wanted to enjoy themselves alone and not want kids with them on vacation. A commenter even said that “they survived on crackers as the only food option in such times.”

10. Bullying Your Own Kids

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Bullying at school or in a public place can be an everyday thing. But some kids are being bullied at home. Parents force their children for not having certain concepts and laugh at them for not being smart enough, and telling kids weak points openly in a family gathering. It's ridiculous the amount of time it happens. It's like gifting your child a lifetime of trauma.

11. Physical Abuse

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Physical abuse for the kids usually comes from inside the home and from the people who are close enough to the kids. But unfortunately, kids don't know this kind of abuse. So when it is identified, it is already late enough. Many teachers and foster parents have mentioned this in their comments. Children are being separated from their parents by CPS because their step-fathers, uncles, or birth fathers, in worst cases, were the abusers.

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12. Exposing Child to Dangerous Environment

financial literacy for kids
Image Credit: Adobe Stock.

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Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

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Life of Brian (1979) Graham Chapman
Image Credit: Cinema International Corporation.

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