12 Awful Parenting Trends That Make Onlookers Cringe

Parenting is one of the world's most demanding jobs. There is no denying this fact. But parents do many awful things in the name of parenting. These things even look like abuse, making others feel cringe. On an online platform, people gave their two cents on this topic and shared awful parenting trends that make people cringe at them.

1. Recording Your Child While Punishing

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Recording your children when you punish them. Parents need to understand that it's a private thing and not for the public. Anything posted on the internet lasts forever. It's as if cyberbullying is coming from inside the house. And children are cruel, wait until at your child's school fellow watch it. Your child will carry this as trauma their entire lives.

2. Over-Scheduling Activities

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Many parents make the mistake of over-scheduling their child's activities. A person mentioned their personal experience: “While teaching, I had an 8y old student. He kept falling asleep in class. We discovered it was because Dad was getting him up at 5 for sports practice.” It can have many reasons, but the most agreed was because parents wanted to enforce their passion on children.

3. Over Protection

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Children are born with the right to be protected. But many parents overprotect their children. Over-protection takes away a child's ability to grow and learn from mistakes. Many parents deny their kid's outdoor play and adventurous activities because they feel overprotective of their children. They do not understand that kids must slowly and safely learn to manage risk. And they must take risks. Not letting kids know this hurts them as adults.

4. Not Letting the Kids Make Mistakes

Stubborn small preschooler girl child close ears ignore loud young mother lecturing or scolding, mad Caucasian mom quarrel fight with little daughter, family misunderstanding, generation gap concept
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Parents sometimes keep their kids on a strict watch. They will never let their kids do the hard work or decide for themselves. Parents don't understand that this will not help their kids in the future. These types of children get a breakdown when everything goes wrong because they are afraid to make any bad move in life. A commenter said, “My parents did this, and now I break down at the slightest discomfort. It has borderline ruined my life and self-esteem.” Let your kid make their own mistakes to learn about life.

5. Over Sharing Stuff About Kids on Social Media

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As the internet became every day, sharing things related to kids on social media became a trend. They would write long letters to their kids on FB on their birthdays. They are sharing videos of their kid having a meltdown. Some parents even have monetized YouTube channels with the name of their kids. Imagine the whole life of your kid being on the internet. It is the worst parenting trend of current times.

6. Not Accepting Child's Failure

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People fail in life. But the best one is the one who learns from failure and tries again. But there are a few parents who make failure seem to look like the dead end of life. They would not accept a child's failure. Not understanding that it will make your child terrified to fail. Calling your child a failure or that, “You will fail at life” is not a motivation. It's abuse, and your child will carry it forever. Some will even need therapy to recover from it.

7. Having Strict Rules

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Making rules at home is a good parenting trick. It will help you discipline your kids. But having super strict rules is not a good parenting trick. A few parents create strict rules. And if their child breaks them, they get punished for it. Sometimes parents get so ahead in disciplining their children and forgetting that rules are for a healthy family. Not to create freaks who fear punishment and love to break the rules.

8. Not Saying No to Kids

homeschool your kids
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One of the newest parenting trends that can be seen on the internet is not saying NO to your kids. It's good that you let your child do most of the items. You are allowing them to enjoy freedom and make mistakes. But not telling them NO is not a good thing, you all. How will they understand the concept of not getting a thing or two? Or how will they cope with the situation when they will be denied anything in the future?

9. Treating Two Children Equally

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Parents need to understand that just two people can not be alike. Same, their two kids can not be alike. So using the same tricks on all your children is not fair. Parents even try to discipline two kids equally. For instance, a room lockout for one kid can be torturous, but it can be a relaxing time alone for the other. Even in twins, one kid can be savage and another sensitive at the same time. Unlearning this can make treating kids as their character and personality much better.

10. Influencer Parents

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Being an influencer parent is common nowadays. Especially influencer moms are more common, but there are also a few influencer dads. They will introduce strange new trends to other parents, as one commenter mentioned about their neighbor being Crunchy Influencer Mom. You can not speak adjectives to her child. According to her, the child will explore those words herself. Denying her the opportunity for vocabulary development.

11. Making Child Screen Addicted

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The most common thing about Gen Z and Gen Alpha is screens. Their parents let their kids use screens more than normal time. Not understanding that it will make them screen addicts. Most parents even use screens as a reward to stop their tantrums and fits. They are denying their child interpersonal skills and brain development. 

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12. Comparing Kids

financial literacy for kids
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When you compare two adults, they most likely don't like it. Being a parent means you are adult enough to understand that comparison is not good. But parents do this anyway, belittling their kids with this. It destroys their self-esteem and turns everything in life into a competition. 

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