10 Travelers Share Their Scariest Experiences Abroad

There is a saying, “A person who travels lives his life.” People travel around the globe to explore and cherish places, but sometimes, these travels do not bring positive artifacts and memories.

Encountering the scariest things abroad often has lifelong impressions on your mind that you foster for the rest of your life.

1. Surviving Earthquake

Home damaged by an earthquake
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The scariest entity while visiting a foreign country is a natural disaster. In this situation, a person only thinks about his survival, only one chance to live more, but nature sometimes doesn't show pity. 

According to a respondent, he bumped into an earthquake during his visit to Kashmir; everything got flattened, 90,000 people died, and he was a lucky survivor.

2. Coldness in Behaviors

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People from different regions have some personality traits that differentiate them from others on the globe. 

One of the visitors to London articulated that Londoners are the coldest people whose motto is “Nothing personal, it's just business.” She cited that once a lady had a stroke whom she tried to help, but the passersby tormented her for blocking the path.

3. Floating Dead Body

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Dead bodies are the scariest sights that anyone can witness, particularly if you have one during your foreign visits. Such views trigger you to wind up the trip and go home safely. 

A commenter shared her story that during her visit to Cuba, she saw a floating dead body beside a barrier on the river. It was traumatizing for her.

4. Human Trafficking

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Human Trafficking is a horrifying situation prevailing in underdeveloped countries. The locals took advantage of foreigners and ended up with organ poaching. 

Someone shared that during his visit to Mexico, he was approached by an unknown man, but he soon realized something was skewed and returned. He was the guy from human trafficking who was surely going to cut his organs out.

5. Witnessing a Suicide

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There are moments in life where you witness situations that you never wanted to be. Spectating a suicidal vignette is a heart-wrenching moment.

A person shared that in Philadelphia, he witnessed a suicide where a guy jumped into the Delaware River and died. Another one quoted that in Philly, a man sprinted straight into a moving tram; that was the most terrifying situation.

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6. Mugging

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Security is the primary concern of the travelers. While choosing any destination, they ensure they will not be attacked, mugged, or robbed.

Someone cited in Rome saw an old couple being mugged by a bunch of guys. The older man tried to protect her wife, but all in vain. The person decided the second, it's the time to leave Rome.

7. Racism

woman giving thumbs down
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Racism is a communal dilemma whose exhibition ranges from prejudices to even life threats. So, travelers avoid visiting places where racism is every day.

A traveler shared that during his visit to North Carolina, he encountered a man who showed racism towards black people and wanted them to stick to their boundaries; otherwise, they had to bear the consequences.

8. Encountering Polar Bear

Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus),
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Stumbling upon deadly wild animals is a fearful moment that freezes your senses. Sometimes, these encounters lead to travelers' miserable deaths.

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A girl mentioned that during her visit to Norway, she was warned by her friends to be cautious about polar bear attacks, but she took it casually. However, when her sister told her about her neighbor's death by a polar bear, she froze.

9. Confronting a Rocket Attack

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Some regions in the world unfortunately come across terrorist and military attacks and genocides. Visiting these places is usually never safe and recommended.

Somebody expressed his fatal experience of facing a rocket attack during his visit to Afghanistan. The only thing he remembered was the alarm and the dwindling hesco wall below him.

10. A Ruthless Kidnap

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Kidnapping is a cruel act done for a ransom. Travelers always look for places where they don't have to face such brutal situations.

A traveler shared that he witnessed the kidnapping of a young girl. When he started to inquire about her, he was threatened by a cartel of being shot to death if he queried about her.

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