10 Everyday Foods That Could be Sabotaging Your Health

Many diet plans are formed unknowingly and have multiple risks to health in our daily lives. Modern-day farming and consumerism have reduced the nutritious qualities of food. The declining rate is then sustained through even worse medications, which lead to quite an unsettling health crisis. Here are the most common poisons in 21st-century diets people share online.

Soda and Energy Drinks

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By far, the most casually used drinks in the world constitute mainly soft beverages and energy drinks. Many people online have shared their stories on how they destroy the immune system, leading to sleep issues and acute addiction. Quitting in one user's experience positively affected overall health and even fertility. Others are not so lucky and cannot make their way out of the addiction to such beverages.

Sugary Nightmare

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Sugar can be easily placed at the top of our notorious diet poisons list as it is present almost everywhere. One regular consumer mentioned enjoying the ‘jittery' feeling of consuming sugar. From fizzy drinks to processed foods, sugar has taken over cocaine as the most commonly used drug, a typical addict shared. Even zero-sugar drinks contain other forms of deadly artificial sweeteners.


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The multi-billion dollar industry based around alcoholic products is a part of many people's everyday intake. Its consumption also causes some people's headaches as it leads to chronic liver problems and slowly deteriorates brain function. One person complained about having to go through a painful process of giving up his drinking habit and described it as “increasingly nauseous.”


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Skin diseases, hormonal changes, and endocrine malfunction can be caused by microplastics present in plastic coverings. A victim of microplastics commented on an online platform that his heart started to have intense pains after the age of 30. In the victim's view, nothing can be done to avoid microplastics because almost all food comes wrapped in plastic, one way or another.

Synthetic Food Colors

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A keen observer noticed that poisonous synthetic food colors harm health, especially younger people. Sharing the statistics, he revealed that “8% of children with ADHD living in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada may have behavioral symptoms related to synthetic food colors”. In addition, restricting synthetic foods showed positive signs in children with ADHD.


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It may be surprising to know that Teflon can be dangerous, but one salesman insisted it is harmful. He stated that an increasing number of people now have Teflon in their blood due to Teflon. If overheated, the person exposed can develop Teflon flu, which causes horrendous symptoms and often leads to cancer.

Vegetable Oils

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According to a frequent vendee of processed vegetable oils, bodily functions can be impaired due to excess Omega-6 Fatty Acids. Another bypasser commented that such oils have the disadvantage that they actively lower the “good cholesterol” levels, leading to heart diseases. A person living with breast cancer retold her story of how vegetable oils led to her condition.

Processed Meats

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Modern-day meat supply is enormous, and chemicals are often used to preserve these products for extending their usage. A chemist shared his experience working with processed meats and opened up about the nitrites and dangerous chemicals used for this process. The chemist believed that microorganisms can be present in preserved meat due to salt presence.

MSG (Monosodium Glutamate)

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Monosodium Glutamate is a commonly used flavor enhancer and leads to brain damage and skin diseases in many people. A former patient reviewed this product online and described it as a “weakening poison” due to its short and sharp reactions. The patient also associated MSG with nervous disorders that arise from uncontrolled intake of canned and processed foods.

Pesticide Chemicals in Vegetables

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A few pesticide chemicals can be disastrous, yet they are the most common risky substances in modern vegetables. A suffering online attendee commented that “one batch of unregulated vegetable crops led to the death of my best friend.” He advised that ensuring minimum pesticide use on the crops could benefit everyone, and no one would suffer.

“Trust Shattered” No One Will Ever Trust You Again If You Do These 10 Things

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Trust forms the foundation of any healthy and meaningful relationship. The delicate thread binds individuals together, fostering openness, vulnerability, and a sense of security. However, trust can be fragile and easily shattered by certain behaviors and actions. Recently people shared some of the fastest ways to lose trust in others.

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